Brian Sherman Posts

  • Using Security as a Conversation Starter with Clients

    Oct 14, 2010, 20:03 PM by Brian Sherman
    There’s been a significant shift in the services business over the past few years. When customer contracts begin to approach their conclusion date, most providers are very proactive and engage these clients to continue to expand their support programs. You can’t expect to automatically extend existing contracts, even if it was a common practice before. Times have changed; perhaps this change is due to the negative shift in the economy or the continued drive for efficiency in many businesses. Eit ...
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  • Cloud, Print Management and Warranty Fraud Education from the Canadian Services Meeting

    Sep 24, 2010, 18:05 PM by Brian Sherman
    It was a busy day at the Canadian IT Services and Support Community meeting, with a host of educational sessions, followed by hands-on workshop sessions to advance group initiatives. The day started out with a keynote on social media for business, generating a day-long discussion among attendees, followed by interactive sessions on cloud business opportunities, print management and an overview on warranty fraud issues.Cloud computing is an attractive solution for businesses, whether small or lar ...
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  • IT Service Meeting Highlights Social Media Program Benefits

    Sep 23, 2010, 18:10 PM by Brian Sherman
    Is social media a boondoggle or a valuable marketing tool for your business? That’s the question many solution providers have asked since these sites, such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter came on the scene. The attitude of many business executives is, “If you can’t provide tangible results, what good is it?” Attendees of the CompTIA Canadian IT Services and Support Community in Toronto found several answers to that question with a deep dive discussion into the opportunities available with thes ...
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  • A Deeper Look at Healthcare Technology Opportunities

    Aug 12, 2010, 18:58 PM by Brian Sherman
     The Final Day at MSP University Bootcamp As the MSP University Bootcamp (part of this week's CompTIA Breakaway event) in San Antonio came to a close, healthcare IT took center stage between an interactive panel of practice and technology experts, and a presentation from HP. Complementing both of those sessions was a presentation on developing a motivating sales compensation plans that will help you meet and exceed your business goals. Chris Mertens, Vice President of HP PSG US Healthca ...
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  • Move From Geek Speak to Business Consultation Success

    Aug 12, 2010, 14:12 PM by Brian Sherman
    Between managed IT services and the ever-changing needs of business customers, a switch to consultative sales is increasingly important for today’s solution providers. In a highly interactive discussion during CompTIA Breakaway, a packed room of solution providers quizzed the expert panel on transitioning to the new sales philosophy.Joining session moderator Tricia Wurts, President of Wurts & Associates, Inc. were well-known and respected industry veterans: Bob Penland, CTO of TruMethods, LL ...
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  • Manage and Enhance Your Collaboration Efforts

    Aug 11, 2010, 23:30 PM by Brian Sherman
    Partnering with other services providers can be a very beneficial process for all companies involved, if mutual projects are properly designed and executed. Collaboration requires not only a commitment from both partners, but the processes and support in place to ensure the relationship (and task) is a success.In today’s opening presentation at the MSP University Bootcamp, Shari Marion-Hoff outlined key statistics and best practices for successful collaborative projects. According to the CEO of ...
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  • Is Healthcare IT Your Prescription for Success?

    Aug 11, 2010, 05:58 AM by Brian Sherman
    With incentives up to $44,000 for physicians that implement EMR (electronic medical records) in a “meaningful way,” the Federal stimulus program has created quite a buzz in the IT channel since its passage. The ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009), which provides additional Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement for physicians that implement the records technology in their practice, creates new opportunities to solution providers to discuss business process improvement. ...
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  • How Do You Measure Your Leadership Skills?

    Aug 10, 2010, 21:52 PM by Brian Sherman
    The CEO track at MSP University’s San Antonio meeting kicked off with a discussion on leadership development with Lee Ellis, founder and president of Leadership Freedom. The retired U.S. Air Force Colonel (pilot and a Vietnam P.O.W) shared lessons he learned from years of management and consulting, as well as solid advice for the IT executives in attendanced at the breakout session at CompTIA Breakaway.Leaders must assess their individual abilities to direct and inspire others, understanding bot ...
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  • Automate Your IT Product Sales (and Services)

    Aug 10, 2010, 19:11 PM by Brian Sherman
    It’s been a few years since “Managed Services” was introduced to the IT channel in mass, with several experts suggesting that product sales needed to vanish for the new business model to be successful. Despite that claim, many providers discovered that their customers still wanted them to help select and deliver their technology. The reality is, many VARs had been successful in becoming the true trusted advisor to their clients and walking away from an area where they need support just doesn’t m ...
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  • Healthcare IT- Is it Right for You?

    Aug 6, 2010, 03:43 AM by Brian Sherman
    Every couple of years a new focus seems to envelop the channel, with managed services and cloud computing getting a majority of the buzz until earlier in 2010. Healthcare IT is all the rage in the industry and, like the two previously mentioned topics, there’s a real business opportunity behind it.  When President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in February of 2009, it set the wheels in motion. Approximately $17 billion was set aside as incentive payments to en ...
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