CompTIA Blog

  • EMEACon’s Great Line-Up Runs from Olympians to Expert Authors

    Sep 19, 2016, 15:18 PM by Simon Dobson
    Read about the great sessions and speakers attending this year’s EMEACon and why it’s not to be missed.
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  • Project Management: A Continuing Education

    Sep 16, 2016, 15:37 PM by James Stanger
    CompTIA Project+ is designed for any individual who wants to validate their experience. It doesn’t just focus on how an IT worker creates a project. CompTIA Project+ validates industry-standard skills for any project manager.
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  • ChannelTrends: 6 Best Practices When Building an Advanced Security Practice

    Sep 14, 2016, 15:27 PM by Brian Sherman
    Despite the growing number of channel firms offering basic data and network protection today, it’s simply not enough just to counter the basic threats today. Security has to move from a line item in the portfolio to a more highly advanced, proactive management service. It’s a true consulting focus that can be best summarized with six industry best practices.
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  • CompTIA Urges Congress to Intensify Focus on TPP

    Sep 13, 2016, 21:06 PM by Stefanie Holland
    CompTIA, along with a dozen other technology associations, has sent a letter to Congressional leadership urging them to work with the administration to reach an agreement that would allow passage of the Trans-Pacific Partnership this year.
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  • IT Crisis Mode: How Mobile Tech Aids in Emergency Response

    Sep 13, 2016, 19:19 PM by Natalie Hope McDonald
    Learn how IT pros are using just-in-time tech – like setting up remote networks on the fly – to support first responders.
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  • Intern Learns the IT Ropes at CompTIA Headquarters

    Sep 9, 2016, 20:20 PM by Matthew Stern
    College of DuPage CIT student Jacob Huebner got an internship opportunity that few manage – he was an intern right in the CompTIA home office. Not only did he get CompTIA Network+ certified, he got an inside view into what he has to look forward to in his future IT career.
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  • Jason Boxt and Tim Storey to Lead Discussion on 2016 Election Results

    Sep 8, 2016, 15:11 PM by Sarah Matz
    On Tuesday, November 8, 2016, voters in the United States will cast ballots in the 58th quadrennial U.S. presidential election. The following week, CompTIA’s state government affairs (SGA) team will head to Nashville, Tennessee, for its 2016 National State Government Affairs Meeting. This year, we’re happy to announce Jason Boxt and Tim Storey are joining us and will lead a discussion on the 2016 election results.
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  • Matching Up Today’s Certs with Yesterday’s Arcade Games

    Sep 7, 2016, 20:03 PM by Matthew Stern
    Sept. 12 is National Video Games Day, and we’re celebrating the longstanding connection between the IT world and the video gaming world with this list of seven arcade classic arcade games, and the CompTIA certifications with which they most closely match up.
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  • ChannelTrends: It’s 'Go Time' for 2017 Business Planning

    Sep 7, 2016, 18:24 PM by Brian Sherman
    January 1st is no longer a reset date. Strategic planning is a 365-day event today and it is the primary role of the top organizational leader. As Geico’s commercials have reinforced for so many years “…it’s what they do.” And September (as well as October, November and December) is perhaps the most crucial time for their management teams to rise to the occasion. This is when sales and marketing leaders double their efforts to find and close the best leads, and work with their customer services counterparts to ensure long-term client success.
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  • Why Millennials are the Workforce of the Future

    Sep 7, 2016, 16:38 PM by Amy Bailey
    The world of work has changed. It’s about technology, not age.
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  • Building Smarter Cities: Embracing Optimism, Acknowledging Challenges

    Sep 6, 2016, 16:54 PM by Tim Herbert
    While computing technology has been making cities smarter for more than 100 years, today, many facets of our cities – from transportation and water management to building design and public safety, are viewed as ripe for reinvention.
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  • ANZ Channel Businesses to Build Roadmap for Change

    Sep 1, 2016, 19:45 PM by Jim Hamilton
    Following its recent meeting, the ANZ Channel Community will start working in earnest on a roadmap to help all channel-related businesses navigate channel change more successfully.
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  • The Changing Landscape of Distribution

    Sep 1, 2016, 17:06 PM by Suzanne Collier
    CompTIA’s 2016 Vendor Summit last month asked a range of hard questions on the current state of distribution.
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  • ChannelTrends: Should Distribution Business Challenges Concern IT Pros?

    Aug 31, 2016, 23:27 PM by Brian Sherman
    With some less than stellar earnings reports by IT distributors this month, it has some questioning the long-term viability of these key channel partners. Do these financial reports indicate worse times may be ahead, or are they an indication of the efforts underway to transform services and business models to meet the needs of partners and their customers? My money's on the latter...
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  • Achievement Unlocked: Gamer Gets Career Boost with CompTIA Certifications

    Aug 30, 2016, 17:47 PM by Matthew Stern
    A dedicated IT professional by day and an online gamer in his free time, Chelin Sampson is always thinking about building his stats. In his career, this mindset has allowed him to move quickly through the IT ranks.
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