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Seth Robinson's Posts

Vice President, Industry Research, CompTIA

Seth Robinson analyzes technology trends in the IT industry and provides insight into trend drivers and future direction. He has led research studies on IT security, cloud computing, IoT and mobility, among other areas.

  • 2015 Technology Trends: Building on the Past

    Feb 18, 2015, 19:28 PM by Seth Robinson
    In our 2015 IT Industry Outlook, CompTIA identified four technology trends that we expect to play out over the upcoming year, plus counter trends that will still be driving business decisions without always making splashy headlines. Read analyst Seth Robinson’s take on why IT’s future is built on the recent past.
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  • Holiday Tech Musings

    Jan 6, 2015, 14:10 PM by Seth Robinson
    From the digital wallet to gadget equilibrium, our senior director of technology analysis Seth Robinson offers his take on the end-of-year trends in tech, and what they mean for 2015.
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  • 5 Tools To Make Mobility Work For You Now

    Dec 3, 2014, 15:14 PM by Seth Robinson
    Fueled by consumerism, cloud and an increasing demand for heightened productivity, mobility solutions are one of the most talked-about trends in IT. Learn all the spokes to this wheel with CompTIA’s latest resource bundle: Five Tools to Make Mobility Work.
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  • New CompTIA Research: Cloud Confusion Dissipates as Adoption Takes Hold

    Nov 4, 2014, 16:42 PM by Seth Robinson
    Cloud computing is starting to truly transform business operations, according to findings from CompTIA’s new 5th Annual Trends in Cloud Computing study. As companies integrate cloud, they’ll encounter a variety of challenges, but now’s the time to dive in and discover the new IT ecosystem that is being created.
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  • Industry Challenges Emerge Alongside Internet of Things

    Oct 22, 2014, 18:36 PM by Seth Robinson
    Multiple advances in technology have drastically changed the scope of the burgeoning Internet of Things—in fact, the number of connected “things” is projected to skyrocket to 50.1 billion in 2020. Read CompTIA researcher Seth Robinson’s breakdown of IoT and download our latest study, Sizing Up the Internet of Things.
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  • Mobility Adoption Strong but Many Steps Remain for Full Integration

    Jun 10, 2014, 16:48 PM by Seth Robinson
    It is becoming apparent that the new trends in IT are leading to a completely new approach for businesses. In the case of mobility, having a wide range of options for front-end devices is changing the mindset around device management and workflow structure. Smartphones and tablets are transforming the device landscape and driving much of the initial discussion around enterprise mobility. Meanwhile, PCs remain viable options along with smartphones and tablets, and companies must decide how to handle all three.
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  • Begun, the Cloud War Has

    Apr 8, 2014, 18:52 PM by Seth Robinson
    Earlier this year, CompTIA’s 2014 Outlook predicted that cloud wars would intensify, with public cloud providers fighting on price and differentiation and private cloud systems fighting to get a foothold. After just one quarter, that prediction holds true; several companies have announced new ways they are pushing this model into new territory. Late March was a game changer, as Google, Amazon, and Microsoft all held events to share updates to their cloud offerings. As expected, price was a ...
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  • The End-User: the New Center of the IT Universe

    Mar 19, 2014, 22:30 PM by Seth Robinson
    Recently, I have been focusing on the amount of disruption caused by technology trends such as cloud computing and mobility. This isn’t a unique idea — other organizations recognize this change as well and have introduced concepts such as the fifth era of business transformation or the shift from information technology to enterprise technology. My own thoughts line up closely with IDC’s notion of a third platform, where the first two platforms are represented by the mainframe a ...
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  • New Needs and Models Are Driving Changes to Communications

    Feb 19, 2014, 19:27 PM by Seth Robinson
    While communications is not a new topic for most companies, new trends in technology and changes in workforce dynamics are forcing many businesses to re-examine their strategies. Thirty-one percent of end-user firms cite communications as a high priority, and they are clearly driving demand here since 36 percent of channel firms believe their clients place a high priority on communications. Cloud computing and mobility are giving companies new options and possibilities for communications infras ...
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  • A Look at the Big Trends at International CES 2014

    Jan 14, 2014, 00:50 AM by Seth Robinson
    The beginning of a new year always brings with it a ritual for everyone who keeps a close eye on technology: the International CES, produced by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA). First held in 1967, this year’s show featured 3,200 exhibitors and more than 2 million square feet of exhibit space, making it a premier location for exhibiting new technology and innovation. With so much on display, there are obviously many different themes on the radar. The Internet of Things was pegged ...
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