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Seth Robinson's Posts

Vice President, Industry Research, CompTIA

Seth Robinson analyzes technology trends in the IT industry and provides insight into trend drivers and future direction. He has led research studies on IT security, cloud computing, IoT and mobility, among other areas.

  • IT Security Still a Critical Area After a Decade of Study

    Nov 14, 2012, 00:23 AM by Seth Robinson
    CompTIA’s 10th Annual Information Security Trends study comes at a time of dramatic change in the IT industry. Cloud computing, mobility and Big Data are altering the landscape and ingraining technology in business operations like never before. Yet security remains a high priority, even among these more trendy topics. Four out of five companies place a higher priority on security today than they did two years ago, and PricewaterhouseCoopers estimates that global cybersecurity spending hit $60 bi ...
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  • End-User Cloud Behavior Points to Disruptive Times Ahead

    Jul 25, 2012, 17:02 PM by Seth Robinson
    We’ve studied the cloud computing market for three years. Our inaugural study focused on gauging the marketplace and defining cloud concepts, and the second study explored early adoption trends among end-users and channel firms. With the 3rd Annual Trends in Cloud Computing study, CompTIA examines a maturing market and the changes that are taking place not only for IT but also for business in general.The cloud market is expected to continue its rapid growth path. Gartner projects that total clou ...
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  • Three Days in June

    Jun 29, 2012, 22:07 PM by Seth Robinson
    In the past month, three of the world’s largest technology companies held major events. Apple and Google both held developers conferences with keynotes full of announcements and surprises. Microsoft’s Worldwide Partner Conference takes place in early July, but rather than waiting for that event they held a special presentation in Los Angeles that had the industry buzzing. A look back at the three events reveals some interesting insight into the future of technology.First, a quick recap of the in ...
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  • Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

    Jun 19, 2012, 14:20 PM by Seth Robinson
    Last night, Microsoft held an event that had the tech world buzzing through the weekend. Most industry watchers knew a tablet was in the works, but beyond that there wasn’t much firm data. Since Apple, Google and Facebook have been the companies making the most waves in tech recently, there was a sense of surprise that Microsoft had been able to generate so much interest.There was indeed a tablet at the center of all this interest: the new Microsoft Surface. Steve Ballmer said that the Surface “ ...
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  • Finding Opportunities in the Challenges of UC Adoption

    May 17, 2012, 21:01 PM by Seth Robinson
    The promise of unified communications (UC) to create a holistic platform for the end user has been in place for some time now. Ever since VoIP became a viable option to replace traditional analog phone systems, the technology for connecting various forms of IP communications has improved and grown in adoption. Data from CompTIA’s 2nd Annual Unified Communications Market Trends study sheds some light on the current state of the UC market and the ways in which providers can best position products ...
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  • Corporate Technology, Take 3

    May 8, 2012, 15:01 PM by Seth Robinson
    A recent article on Computerworld led with the less-than-sunny line “IT as we know it is over.” From there, one might expect a discussion on offshoring, consumerization of IT, or the appropriation of IT by business units for their needs. All of these things are part of the equation, but the main focus of the article is that we are entering a third wave for corporate technology.The first wave, management of information services (MIS), started when businesses began using mainframe computers to aut ...
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  • The Rise of the Machines

    May 1, 2012, 20:48 PM by Seth Robinson
    The internet of things (IoT) is rapidly becoming a very real phenomenon. CompTIA’s market research department explores the topic of big data, M2M and machine learning.
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  • Google’s Glasses: Are People Ready to Change?

    Apr 5, 2012, 15:04 PM by Seth Robinson
    Google’s new Project Glass is the stuff that futuristic dreams are made of. Designed by Google[x], Google’s secretive think tank that pushes the boundaries of technical innovation, these augmented reality “glasses” are designed to make interactions with technology nearly seamless. The concept video is fairly impressive (as concept videos tend to be), and many are already imagining possible applications for the new gadget.Photo credit: GoogleThe project announcement was greeted with a fair share ...
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  • Social Business Tactics are Still in Early Adoption Phase

    Mar 16, 2012, 14:54 PM by Seth Robinson
    The use of social technologies and techniques for business processes is an area of debate. Some believe that social communications and analysis of the resulting data will be a revolutionary step for companies, and others are still not convinced that this consumer-oriented technology will be applicable in the business world. CompTIA’s recent study exploring this trend affirms that there is some hesitation in adopting social trends for business use, but also finds that the benefits companies are e ...
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  • CompTIA Study Examines Adoption of Mobility in the Enterprise

    Mar 5, 2012, 11:43 AM by Seth Robinson
    Many IT projections for 2012 showed mobility as one of the hottest topics for the upcoming year. Fueled by the popularity of mobile devices and the growing numbers of employees working remotely, enterprise mobility is set to become big business in the years to come. Global Industry Analysts projects that by 2017, enterprise mobility will be a $174 billion market. CompTIA also feels that mobility will be a major trend to follow, and the newly released Trends in Enterprise Mobility study examines ...
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