• @sethdrobinson

Seth Robinson's Posts

Vice President, Industry Research, CompTIA

Seth Robinson analyzes technology trends in the IT industry and provides insight into trend drivers and future direction. He has led research studies on IT security, cloud computing, IoT and mobility, among other areas.

  • Going Beyond the Cloud at Interop

    May 12, 2011, 11:16 AM by Seth Robinson
    Day 2 at Interop started with the same theme that was so prevalent during Day 1: cloud. However, the panel that discussed cloud in the keynote session focused on some of the more recent issues surrounding cloud, specifically the outage at Amazon and the security breach at Sony. The panel, which included members from Avaya, Terremark and Rackspace, definitely did not feel that these events left a black mark on cloud, but they did highlight the need for further attentiveness by cloud users and ope ...
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  • Interop Talk Focuses on the Cloud

    May 11, 2011, 14:54 PM by Seth Robinson
    Interop is taking place this week, providing a venue for IT companies to gather and discuss the latest products and trends within the industry. The day started with keynotes, and from the very beginning the message was clear: everyone wants to talk about the cloud. Dave Donatelli of HP led things off, and although his talk was more sales pitch than keynote, the products he presented were clearly positioned as products that would fit into a cloud solution and allow HP to pursue its goal of holist ...
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  • Security: Hitting the Moving Target

    Mar 31, 2011, 17:17 PM by Seth Robinson
    CompTIA has fielded an annual security study for eight years. In the most recent study, 49 percent of firms rate security as a top priority, a significant jump from 35 percent of firms in 2008. Other CompTIA studies focusing on industry verticals or technology trends show that security concerns are a common thread through all markets. The IT industry has been talking about security for a long time, and the impacts are well known.For all the focus, ‘though, security breaches are still common and ...
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  • Time To Get Serious about Tablets

    Feb 17, 2011, 23:13 PM by Seth Robinson
    The Mobile World Conference set the eyes of the technology world on Barcelona this week, with companies from around the world gathered to show off their solutions for the rapidly growing mobile market. Everything from processors to software to devices was on display, and while laptops remain the bedrock of the mobile device landscape and smartphones continue their explosive growth, the real star of this year’s show was the hottest new device on the market: tablets.Ironically, the company that la ...
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  • A View into Google's H.264 Decision

    Jan 28, 2011, 22:45 PM by Seth Robinson
    As high-bandwidth wireless networks are becoming more prevalent, Web video is increasingly being used as a medium for communication. Content providers are utilizing video as part of their messaging, and user-generated content sites such as YouTube and SmugMug are important components of the social marketplace. Because of the importance of video to the direction of the Internet, Google’s announcement that they would be dropping H.264 support from future releases of the Chrome browser has been hea ...
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