CompTIA Blog

  • Services Research Shows a Shift In Attitude

    Feb 4, 2010, 21:45 PM by Brian Sherman
    Jean Mork Bredson of Service800 concluded the presentations at the IT Services and Support Executive Forum meeting with a ServiceMetric Benchmark Program Update. The 2009 Survey of approximately 250,000 service customers included queries on a variety of service-related questions. The study found a major shift in customer attitude concerning service, with response time usurping the former key goal of repair time. This suggests that reducing the time for initial contact will inversely increase c ...
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  • Day Two Packed with Information at CompTIA IT Services and Support Meeting

    Feb 4, 2010, 19:22 PM by Brian Sherman
    Day two of the CompTIA IT Services and Support Executive Forum meeting is in full swing today, as the attendees concluded a networking breakfast and moved quickly into an update on public policies. The association represents the interests of IT services companies and communicates the top issues affecting the industry on a regular basis. With policy offices in Washington and Brussels, they have a global, national, and regional footprint, keeping community members informed of issues that could aff ...
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  • New Talk Show to Help Individuals Begin “Creating Futures” in IT

    Feb 4, 2010, 16:35 PM by Lisa Fasold
    The Computer Outlook Talk Show and the CompTIA Educational Foundation are launching a new talk show series that will discuss the training and educational opportunities available to underprivileged and under-represented individuals, who normally could not afford the training on their own to work in the IT industry. Each month will feature a specialized CompTIA guest who will share with Computer Outlook’s growing listening audience, information about educational programs to stimulate a productive ...
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  • CompTIA IT Services and Support Executive Forum Sets New Initiatives

    Feb 4, 2010, 00:10 AM by Brian Sherman
    Prior to concluding the formal meeting sessions for day one in Tampa, the group held a lively interactive workshop to determine the key issues not being addressed by the services industry. This is always a great time to be in the meetings, to see the topics each company (and their representatives) is passionate about. With a varied audience of service providers, vendors, distributors, and parts logistics companies in one room, it tends to amplify the dialogue of this brainstorming session. ...
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  • Creating an Effective Project Management Organization

    Feb 3, 2010, 22:31 PM by Brian Sherman
    When you take on a new project and commit to a delivery date, how often are you able to meet that demand? As organizations grow and services/technologies get more complex, the task becomes even more difficult. Major project and service plans require a substantial amount of planning and painstaking attention to timelines, and the right people in charge to properly fulfill contract stipulations. These are the areas Michael Johnson of Insight Technology Solutions covered in his keynote at the CompT ...
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  • Tech Trends in IT Services Emphasized in Tampa Meeting

    Feb 3, 2010, 21:16 PM by Brian Sherman
    After a round of personal introductions, attendees at the two-day IT Services and Support Executive Forum meeting in Tampa started out with an interactive discussion by Heather Clancy on “Refining Your IT Services Strategy: 10 Trends and Technologies.” The renowned technology author and former editor of Computer Reseller News (CRN) has written articles for Entrepreneur magazine, Fortune Small Business, and the New York Times, and collaborates with numerous companies on channel s ...
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  • VARs Staff Up During Downturn

    Feb 3, 2010, 20:29 PM by Matt Swanston
    The phrase “in this difficult economy” is used so frequently these days that it has become a drinking game in some circles.  Count the number of times the phrase is used in your local evening newscast to see why it has become popular to raise a glass at every mention.But not everyone is drowning their economic sorrows at the local pub.  Many in the Value Added Reseller (VAR) community are busy leveraging the downturn to attract top talent and grow their businesses.  “During a downturn is the rig ...
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  • Energized IT Services Industry Leaders Converge on Tampa

    Feb 3, 2010, 16:00 PM by Brian Sherman
    The CompTIA IT Services and Support Executive Forum will kick off its first meeting of 2010 in Tampa later today, with a host of industry executives and thought leaders in attendance. The group heads to the “Sunshine State” with high expectations for the industry and many impactful topics on the schedule. For those of you familiar with the IT Services and Support Section, you’ll be happy to know that the group is the same, but with a new name and an enhanced commitment from C ...
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  • So, What are Members Telling CompTIA Anyway?

    Feb 2, 2010, 16:29 PM by Amy Carrado
    Results are in. The great majority of members are satisfied with their CompTIA membership. Are you one of them? Every single one of us at CompTIA certainly hopes so! And odds are, as the data shows, your satisfaction could be even higher the more familiar you are with the benefits and more engaged you are with CompTIA.So what are some of the top items we’re hearing from you that are important to members? And how is CompTIA making those accessible to you?A number of offerings are important to mem ...
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  • Are We There Yet?

    Jan 29, 2010, 21:00 PM by Tim Herbert
    Like a cranky kid on a long car trip, just about everyone these days eagerly wants to know how close we’re getting to our final destination. That is…a stable, healthy economy.Several key macroeconomic indicators, as well as CompTIA’s recently released 2010 IT Industry Outlook, suggests we’re making steady progress.CompTIA’s bi-monthly survey of over 300 tech companies points to improved business confidence, which moved into solidly positive territory on the 100-point scale (up 6.3 points to 56.6 ...
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  • Having Fun With Passwords

    Jan 25, 2010, 21:11 PM by Steve Hunt
    I got a kick out of an analysis of a recent hack.  After the RockYou application was hacked in December, exposing 32 million consumer passwords, security vendor Imperva analyzed the passwords to discover the most commonly used ones.  Remarkably, they are the same passwords many of us listed as the worst passwords you could possibly use back in 1995.Some of the worst, but most common, and therefore most easily guessable passwords are: Password Qwerty princess michaelBut the absolute hands down wi ...
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  • Podcast: Todd Thibodeaux On Getting America Back To Work

    Jan 24, 2010, 20:13 PM by Matt Swanston
    In this edition, CompTIA’s President and CEO describes his vision for CompTIA’s Getting America Back To Work program.  Download the MP3 file.[podcast][/podcast]
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  • Small Business in the Biggest Sandbox

    Jan 22, 2010, 20:01 PM by Matt Swanston
    The term “international” has become somewhat synonymous with the mega corporations that include the term in their name or mission.  But the latest CompTIA research suggests you don’t have to be one of the biggest kids on the playground to claim a spot in the global sandbox.On average, 13% of annual revenue at small and medium-size information technology firms is generated from international markets, according to the latest CompTIA research.  Among the small firms doing business overseas, 43% ind ...
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  • The Power of Predictability

    Jan 22, 2010, 13:37 PM by Todd Thibodeaux
    The fluidity of the regulatory, political and economic environment has reached a point where the amount of uncertainty at play in making everyday business decisions has reached a critical level. Terms on contracts, healthcare for employees, the very viability of your customers and more, are really up in the air. The global economy thrives on certainty. It’s one of the reasons, historically, we’ve seen strong economic growth during periods that mixed a multitude of different variables in differen ...
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  • Teaching Tomorrow’s Tech Entrepreneurs

    Jan 18, 2010, 20:38 PM by Todd Thibodeaux
    CompTIA is committed to doing its part in training the tech workforce of tomorrow. As the leading global source of vendor-neutral IT certifications we have a big responsibility. Since the initiation of CompTIA’s programs more than 10 years ago a large part of our focus has been on adult learning. Working with our training partners CompTIA has certified more than 1.2 million people helping them start or transition into a new career.Over the coming months and years we will be placing a larger emph ...
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