CompTIA Blog

  • Channel-Lands See Few Winners in Net Neutrality Ruling

    Dec 27, 2010, 17:34 PM by Larry Walsh
    Like the rest of the world, the Channel-Lands’ questions about how the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) would act on the Net Neutrality issue were finally answered. Unfortunately, few people were happy with what the feds said. For what was supposed to be a slow week leading into the Christmas holiday, Net Neutrality was just one of the big news stories to hit the Channel-Lands this week.Net Neutrality Ruling Makes Few HappyThe FCC made official its much-anticipated ruling that prohibits I ...
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  • Tis the Season for Channel Musical Chairs

    Dec 22, 2010, 20:17 PM by Larry Walsh
    The days leading up to the December holidays are usually filled with closing end-of-the-year sales, cleaning up the financial ledgers and office parties. It’s typically not the time of year when key channel leaders are moving around or changing jobs. But this holiday season seems to be the exception.On Monday, Lenovo SMB channel chief Jay McBain surprised the industry by announcing his resignation from the PC vendor. His destination isn’t exactly a closely guarded secret, but it’s not public as ...
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  • Legislative Uncertainty Worries IT Investors

    Dec 22, 2010, 20:12 PM by Elizabeth Hyman
    A look at the week of December 21, 2010, in public advocacy for the IT channelUncertainty surrounding healthcare legislation makes investors wary about IT forecasts in the coming year.  As the government increases its use of cloud computing, the Department of Commerce is calling for a users’ “Bill of Rights” for cloud computing.  New legislation would make the U.S. a more attractive destination for foreign entrepreneurs.Legislative Uncertainty Worries IT Investors – Venture capitalists are bulli ...
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  • Microsoft Clearing a Path to Small Biz Security Adoption

    Dec 20, 2010, 14:52 PM by Larry Walsh
    Microsoft snuck out a second version of its Security Essential 2.0 application over the weekend, adding linkage to the embedded Windows Firewall. The early indications are Microsoft is moving to make MSE a more complete software security suite for home and small business users. The ultimate result could be more channel security opportunities.Microsoft has made no bones about its intentions to become a major player in the security marketplace. Through product development and acquisitions over the ...
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  • Channel-Lands Watches Partner Discontent, Emergence of New Competition

    Dec 17, 2010, 17:59 PM by Larry Walsh
    Is any partner ever really satisfied with their vendor? Perhaps it’s an unfair question, since partner sentiment is shifted by events and circumstances. But a growing chorus of channel partners is raising its voice of discontent with Hewlett-Packard, calling into question new CEO Leo Apotheker’s channel commitment. And that’s just part of what’s happening across the Channel-Lands this week. We’re also watching the rise of Chinese competition, the setting of business goals in 2011, and a big chan ...
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  • A Communities Christmas Carol

    Dec 17, 2010, 02:42 AM by Jim Hamilton
    Charles Dickens’ seasonal classic, “A Christmas Carol”, endures not because it blends so well with our own celebrations, but because of the truth it instills in our souls at this hectic and indulgent time of year. Far from the glitz and excess that has come to characterize the Christmas season, the story focuses on one man’s life journey. As those of you familiar with the story know, while he has material wealth beyond imagination, Ebenezer Scrooge is emotionally impoverished and heading to cert ...
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  • Panel Set to Study Safety of Electronic Patient Data

    Dec 15, 2010, 17:23 PM by Elizabeth Hyman
    A look at the week of December 13, 2010, in public advocacy for the IT channel This week, questions about medical safety arise as electronic medical records (EMRs) gain traction.  Legislation was introduced in the Senate requiring minimum cybersecurity standards for all government and private sector devices that connect to the Internet.  The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has proposed a list of IT reforms as well as policies to encourage and expedite the adoption of cloud comp ...
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  • Liability Concerns Hindering EMR Adoption

    Dec 15, 2010, 17:11 PM by Larry Walsh
    The Obama administration is pumping $19 billion into the healthcare industry to help defray the costs of digitizing medical records and enable collaboration amongst medical providers. Electronic medical records promise greater efficiency and productivity, but healthcare providers are worried about their liability resulting from software errors. Those concerns could create a barrier to sales for solution providers. These liability concerns are keeping many physicians from investing in EMR syste ...
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  • Recognizing the Pioneers of IT and the Channel

    Dec 15, 2010, 16:30 PM by Brian Sherman
    “Who are the individuals that have made the most significant impact on the technology industry, or the IT channel?” I’ve asked this question of many of my IT channel friends over last several years, starting back in my days as an industry magazine editor and carrying through my current consultant role. While my reason was to highlight these individuals in blogs and articles, CompTIA intends to immortalize these “game changing individuals” permanently in their newly announced IT Hall of Fame.Off ...
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  • Make a Difference this Holiday Season

    Dec 15, 2010, 15:52 PM by Charles Eaton
    Ladell is a 22-year-old native of Chicago. He and his six brothers and sisters were removed from his mother's home when he was 4. By the time he was 8, he had been bounced between six different foster families. At the age of 15, he was placed with what would be his last foster family. They forced Ladell into criminal activities, and when he eventually resisted, he was shot five times.Give an IT future to those in need this holiday season.I met Ladell a few weeks ago when I attended the ribbon-cu ...
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  • New Chairman of the House Committee on Education and Labor

    Dec 13, 2010, 21:12 PM by Elizabeth Hyman
    Congressman John Kline (R-Minn.) was tapped to the new chairman of the House Committee on Education and Labor.  He’s been active with regard to reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act and believes in local control for education.  What does this mean for Workforce Development and Education? Kline has indicated that under his leadership the Committee will focus on four major policy goals:  Giving employers the certainty, flexibility, and freedom to create jobs; Conducting robust oversight ...
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  • Support for Repeal of 1099 Reporting Requirement

    Dec 13, 2010, 20:12 PM by Lamar Whitman
    A provision included in the health care reform legislation will impose new costly compliance requirements for all businesses beginning in 2012.  While it applies to all businesses, it has a disproportionately negative effect on small businesses. Under this new requirement, any business that pays a single vendor $600 or more for goods or services annually must issue a Form 1099-MISC to that vendor, and this form must also be filed it with IRS.  If a business hires an accounting firm to prepare it ...
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  • HIT Funding Should Be Safe

    Dec 13, 2010, 20:09 PM by Lamar Whitman
    Beginning in 2011, qualifying heath care providers will become entitled to payments as high as $44,000 over a five-year period as an incentive to implement meaningful use of electronic health records.  Since the Republican takeover of the House, some have expressed concern about whether funding for health information technology (HIT) is in jeopardy.  We believe these concerns are unfounded and that funding will remain intact.   HIT and health care reform are completely different ...
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  • Get Ready for an Avalanche of Tablets in 2011

    Dec 13, 2010, 16:15 PM by Larry Walsh
    As they say in boxing circles, here’s the tale of the tape: Apple has sold more than 20 million iPads since they went on sale last January. Samsung is reporting more than 1 million Galaxy Tab sold in the first month on the market. And scores of vendors are racing to put their version of touch screen tablet computers on the market.If you think those numbers are impressive, consider this: Asian manufacturers are gearing up to produce more than 100 million tablets in 2011.DigiTimes reported last we ...
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  • Cloud Battles, Debates Dominate Channel-Lands

    Dec 13, 2010, 02:30 AM by Larry Walsh
    It’s no secret that everyone wants a piece of the cloud. Ah, but plenty of debate remains over what the cloud means to the channel, and who will eventually dominate this emerging marketplace. And that’s the buzz dominating the Channel-Lands last week.Google, Microsoft Griping for Government CloudIt seems Microsoft and Google are bound to remain locked in a pitch battle command of the federal government’s cloud business. When either one wins a deal, the rival seems duty bound to complain or – in ...
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