CompTIA Blog

  • ChannelTrends: M&A Deals, Tech Stocks Rising & Other Notable News

    Jan 21, 2011, 23:03 PM by Brian Sherman
    The channel is in a buying mood this week, from MSP business acquisitions to IBM stock, and a new distribution deal that should enhance the procurement process for ShoreTel partners. Is all this activity a sign the economy is back on solid ground, or could this be an indication of industry consolidation and a move to what many consider “safe investments”? You can be the judge, but several of this week’s topics provide fodder for that discussion.   Mergers and Acquisitions Ring in a Strong New Ye ...
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  • Do You Consider “Call of Duty” a Unified Communications Solution?

    Jan 21, 2011, 21:42 PM by Jim Hamilton
    Defining a term or industry adequately is hard work. Here’s a perfect example– how do you define “life”? Many have tried; it grows, reproduces, undergoes a complex set of chemical reactions to maintain growth and reproduce, and responds to stimuli. Sound like a thorough explanation? Not so fast— fire does all of these things, but clearly it is not living. Despite the difficulty of defining “life,” we all have a reasonable understanding of what it means when something is alive. Unified Communicat ...
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  • Health Providers to Embrace Health IT Incentives

    Jan 20, 2011, 03:55 AM by Elizabeth Hyman
    A look at the week of January 17, 2011, in public advocacy for the IT channel An overwhelming majority of hospitals and many private practices are jumping at the opportunity to register for federal incentive payments for adoption and meaningful use of certified electronic health records.  Tech companies are proposing their own economic stimulus – more domestic investment in return for lower taxes.  The U.S. Department of Treasury became the first federal agency to use Amazon We ...
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  • Navigating Congress: Help Us to Help You

    Jan 18, 2011, 21:21 PM by Matthew L Evans
    With the beginning of the 112th Congress now under way, the IT industry faces many challenges and opportunities.  The job of the our Public Advocacy staff is to make sure that your voice and your concerns are heard in the “People’s House”.  Nevertheless, it is only truly the people’s house if the stories and experiences of the people are what lawmakers hear and read about.  In the immortal words of Jerry Maguire, “help us to help you.”  A ...
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  • ChannelTrends: The iPhone, Microsoft & Other Notable News

    Jan 14, 2011, 17:10 PM by Brian Sherman
    Typically the week after the Consumer Electronics Show is rather mild for IT channel news, with the vendors and many VARs returning home and getting back to their day jobs. This year was different with a rather unusual timing for a consumer-oriented, but business-beneficial iPhone/Verizon announcement. While that news started a firestorm of blog and social media posts, several other notable topics hit the wires as well.   iPhone Rumors Come to an End (Finally!)It was the announcement many have b ...
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  • Senators to Introduce 1099 Repeal

    Jan 13, 2011, 16:41 PM by Elizabeth Hyman
    A look at the week of January 10, 2011, in public advocacy for the IT channel This week, the Senate moves forward with efforts to repeal the 1099 provision.  The House is considering legislation to enable foreign students studying science and technology to remain in the U.S. for work following graduation.  Construction began on a new $1.2-billion national cyber center in Utah.  As electronic medical record adoption gains steam, the Department of Health & Human Services plans ...
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  • Profit from your Certification

    Jan 12, 2011, 17:14 PM by Jennifer Babich
    Despite claims to the contrary, most IT engineers aren’t born with the ability to rebuild a server or construct a computer network. Gaining those skills typically requires a significant investment in time and access to the resources of a professional training organization. In an industry where the product and service portfolios change with (what seems like) the speed of light, gaining a comprehensive understanding of computer systems, network infrastructures, and even document imaging can be a s ...
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  • New Leadership for the House Energy and Commerce Committee

    Jan 8, 2011, 04:43 AM by David Valdez
    It’s a new year and a new legislative agenda prevails in the House. Fred Upton (R-MI) is the new chairman of the powerful Energy and Commerce Committee, and he has named his subcommittee chairs: Subcommittee on Manufacturing and Trade Chair Mary Bono Mack (R-CA), Subcommittee on Communications and Technology Chair Greg Walden (R-OR), Subcommittee on Energy and Power Chair Ed Whitfield (R-KY), Subcommittee on Environment and the Economy Chair John Shimkus (R-IL), Subcommittee on Health Chair Joe ...
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  • Turn On the Power

    Jan 7, 2011, 18:32 PM by Todd Thibodeaux
    When you think of powerful lobbies on Capitol Hill, how come the IT industry doesn't come immediately to mind? No industry in the U.S., or the world for that matter, plays such a diverse and integrated role in the global economy. Nor has any other industry done more to advance society to this point while continuing to raise the bar for a better future. Is it ignorance on the part of legislators? Is the IT industry just taken for granted because it is so pervasive? Has it been by design? Has the ...
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  • Cloud Computing – Into the Wild Blue Yonder?

    Jan 5, 2011, 21:55 PM by Jim Hamilton
    On December 17th, 1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright made the first successful heavier than air flight, launching the aviation age and giving the world a glimpse of what was to come. Many aviation pioneers would quickly follow the Wright brothers in a “race” to best the previous record, whether the marker was time in the air, speed, distance or one of the many other categories.Charles Lindbergh became the first pilot to fly solo non-stop across the Atlantic on May 20th, 1927. Just a year later, Ame ...
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  • Registration Opens for EMR Incentive Program

    Jan 5, 2011, 01:46 AM by Elizabeth Hyman
    A look at the week of January 3, 2011, in public advocacy for the IT channel This week, the Defense Department is launching a program to exchange employees with private sector contractors in order to increase workers’ experience and knowledge of the cybersecurity field.  Registration for the EMR incentive program, developed as part of the 2009 economic stimulus package, opens this week.  Smaller companies plan to expand use of cloud computing technology to take advantage of low ...
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  • Predictions for 2011

    Dec 31, 2010, 14:00 PM by Larry Walsh
    The week between Christmas and New Year’s is always slow. Salespeople closed their last minute deals of the year before the holidays. Executive teams and staffers take well-deserved winter respites. And the Channel-Lands fall as quiet as a New England hallow covered in blanket of solstice snow. OK, that’s a lame attempt at alliteration to say not much was happening this week. So, rather than recounting the top stories of the week, let’s take a gander at some of the obligatory lists of the top st ...
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  • Emerging Opportunities in Modernizing Existing Health Systems

    Dec 30, 2010, 15:19 PM by Larry Walsh
    You don’t need to go to medical school to figure out the potential bonanza in healthcare technology. Fueled by the Obama administration’s healthcare reform agenda and billions of dollars in federal stimulus money, modernization of the antiquated paper-based recordkeeping system used by physicians, clinicians and hospitals will happen at a frenzied pace in the coming year and beyond. But let’s correct one of those last statements: paper-based recordkeeping. It’s a bit of ...
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  • Tax Legislation Benefits Businesses – but Fails to Repeal 1099

    Dec 27, 2010, 22:58 PM by Lamar Whitman
    The tax bill sailed through both the Senate and House during the lame duck session and was signed into law on December 17.  The “Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010” is a $859 billion bill that extends the Bush tax cuts for two years and sets the estate tax at 35 percent for estates exceeding $5 million through 2012. For many businesses, a big disappointment was Congress’ failure to use this bill to repeal the onerous Form 1099 reporting requirement, ...
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  • Winter Whiteout Demonstrates Power of 3G Networks

    Dec 27, 2010, 17:38 PM by Larry Walsh
    The great blizzard of 2010 has socked the Northeast. More than one-foot of snow layers the landscape between Philadelphia and Boston. So treacherous were the conditions that major highways were shut down, airports closed and sporting events rescheduled. Homebound residents glued to their televisions for weather updates were warned of potential power outages as winds whipped to speeds upward of 60 mph. So, here’s the funny part: In the event of a power outage, utility companies were asking subscr ...
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