CompTIA Blog

  • Cybersecurity Legislation Predictably Unpredictable on Capitol Hill

    Feb 9, 2012, 00:03 AM by David Valdez
    The 2012 legislative session started off looking very promising for the passage of cybersecurity reform -- then suddenly the landscape shifted. On privacy and intellectual property issues, we saw the Internet companies flex lobbying muscle in an unprecedented way.  Finally, even though 2011 saw more major data breach incidents than previous years, data breach reform may be a long way off. Here’s a quick rundown of the major security-related initiatives that CompTIA is tracking:Cybersecurity Refo ...
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  • Hacked Companies Still Not Telling Investors

    Feb 8, 2012, 23:33 PM by Elizabeth Hyman
    A look at the week of February 6 in public advocacy for the IT channel:  This week Reuters looks at how companies that have been victims of cyberattacks are disclosing – or not disclosing – these breaches to investors and the government.  A House panel has approved a cyber bill giving the Department of Homeland Security authority in determining what type of infrastructure requires agency oversight.  Government Health IT explores the future of health IT in a polarized political environment.Hacked ...
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  • New Small Business Government Contracting Legislation Introduced

    Feb 8, 2012, 20:03 PM by Lamar Whitman
    Introduced during the last week in the House, three bills aim to increase and strengthen small business participation in government contracting – a goal CompTIA has always supported.  We have reviewed this legislation and believe that a number of provisions would help to direct more government contracting dollars to small businesses.However, we need your input concerning this legislation.  Our goal is determine whether these provisions make sense for your business.  We are especially interested ...
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  • Senate Legislation: Small Business Tax Extenders

    Feb 7, 2012, 19:28 PM by Lamar Whitman
    Senators Landrieu and Snowe, chair and ranking member of the Senate Small Business Committee, have introduced legislation (S. 2050, the Small Business Tax Extenders Act of 2012) that would extend certain expired small business tax provisions though 2012.  Some provisions in the bill include: Section 179 expensing limitation of $500,000:  Extended through 2012. Temporary exclusion of 100 percent of gain on small business stock:  Extended through 2012. Five-year carryback of general business credi ...
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  • ChannelTrends: It’s Not Easy to Get in Game Shape

    Feb 3, 2012, 21:44 PM by Brian Sherman
    “I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion." Muhammad Ali’s quote illustrates the commitment that most successful people make, whether participating in a sport or starting a small business. Boxers of his caliber spend years improving their skills and talent until they get their big break, typically working with a variety of experienced training specialists and coaches who know the ropes. The fights represent a small part of ...
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  • Weekly Word on the Street: It’s Good to be in IT

    Feb 3, 2012, 18:04 PM by Jim Staats
    Takeaway of the week is it’s good to be in IT. Granted, that may not be a shared view from the vantage point of some current job-seekers in the sector, but overall indications from the latest batch of surveys, studies and published scribblings show the tech job market to be bubbling, whether it be Silicon Valley titans, burgeoning startups, healthcare providers jumping on the tech bandwagon or countless others. Study: The Cloud Good for IT Job Creation For those who say cloud computing and it ...
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  • Senate Cybersecurity Bill Sparks Concerns about Government Control

    Feb 1, 2012, 16:54 PM by Elizabeth Hyman
    A look at the week of January 31 in public advocacy for the IT channel:  This week, a compressive cyber bill under discussion in the Senate has some contractors worried about what they see as government overreach.  President Obama’s Chief Technology Officer Aneesh Chopra stepped down last week, and members of the tech industry have expressed hope that his replacement will continue to engage in public-private partnerships.  Following the State of the Union, tech leaders are calling on President O ...
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  • How Is CompTIA Working for You?

    Jan 30, 2012, 14:00 PM by Lisa Fasold
    This year, CompTIA continues to follow its ECAP focus, initiated last year, to grow the IT industry worldwide.  Our efforts are centered on Education, Certification, Advocacy and Philanthropy (i.e. ECAP). CompTIA President and CEO Todd Thibodeaux recently discussed how the association is enlarging its reach and taking its programs to the next level.  Why?  To make CompTIA work better for the industry and our members. Hear how we expanding and diversifying our channel traini ...
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  • ChannelTrends: Is Cash Falling From Your Cloud Business?

    Jan 27, 2012, 20:44 PM by Brian Sherman
    With the exception of utility companies and a limited number of monopolies, few businesses are able to turn almost every one of their prospects into paying clients. The optimal business deal is one where both parties get a fair value. Both the buyer and seller should be pleased with the results of the transaction, with no lingering issues that could prevent future sales. Though that scenario may seem straightforward, many companies lose that perspective over time. The sales team may fall into a ...
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  • Weekly Word on the Street: Surveys Say…

    Jan 27, 2012, 16:56 PM by Jim Staats
    Takeaway of the week is another round of survey-a-go-go. No sooner do you read one firm’s survey or report of the positive news of rising job openings, salaries and bonuses amid the tech-sector, then you come across a report which debunks that bright, shiny news with reports of massive job cuts late last year. Guess it comes down to “What report have you read lately?”   Survey: Big Pay Bumps for Tech Pros Good news for the prospective IT pro or ladder-climber: workers in technology fiel ...
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  • Collaborate to Better the Whole Industry

    Jan 26, 2012, 15:21 PM by Lisa Fasold
    The old saying says two heads are better than one.  So what’s better than two?  Try 200.  At our Annual Member Meeting (AMM) this spring, more than 200 CompTIA members will meet to collaborate on new industry programs.Check out our interview with Jim Hamilton, VP of member communities for CompTIA, on how AMM will help members cross-communicate on programs.  Members will meet to examine the progress of educational training, business credentials and community roadmaps.  Plus each community will se ...
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  • 2012 Outlook: The Year Ahead in Tech

    Jan 25, 2012, 22:34 PM by Tim Herbert
    The ever-quotable baseball great, Yogi Berra, once quipped “the future ain’t what it use to be.” After several years of weak economic fundamentals and market volatility, getting excited about the future is arguably more difficult than it used to be.Many signs point to modest improvement in 2012, but it likely won’t be drastically different from the previous year. For those with the right product mix and business model, that’s probably not such a bad thing.Heading into Q1, CompTIA’s IT Industry B ...
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  • Senate Nears Agreement on Cybersecurity Bill

    Jan 25, 2012, 15:26 PM by Elizabeth Hyman
    A look at the week of January 24 in public advocacy for the IT channel:  This week, an adviser to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said that the Senate plans to bring cyber legislation to the floor within the next month.  President Obama will make the chief of the U.S. Small Businesses Association into a cabinet-level position.  Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) is urging the Senate to move forward with data breach legislation.Senate Nears Agreement on Cybersecurity Bill — Speaking at the ann ...
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  • 2012 Outlook: The Year Ahead in Tech

    Jan 25, 2012, 06:00 AM by Tim Herbert
    The ever-quotable baseball great, Yogi Berra, once quipped “the future ain’t what it use to be.” After several years of weak economic fundamentals and market volatility, getting excited about the future is arguably more difficult than it used to be. Many signs point to modest improvement in 2012, but it likely won’t be drastically different from the previous year. For those with the right product mix and business model, that’s probably not such a bad thing.Heading into Q1, CompTIA’s IT Industry ...
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  • 2012 Priorities: Filling IT Jobs, Supporting Small IT Biz, Securing Tech

    Jan 24, 2012, 13:18 PM by Elizabeth Hyman
    2012 promises to be an interesting year in Washington, D.C., with the upcoming presidential election dominating the political scene. Members of Congress will be anxious to wrap up the session so they can get home to campaign for reelection.  This means that the calendar will be compressed and legislative achievements will be limited.That said, hot issues will kick up (such as the online piracy debate), and we see some opportunities to push ahead with CompTIA priorities.  Moreover, Washington som ...
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