CompTIA Blog

  • Leading at the Speed of Trust

    Apr 12, 2012, 01:45 AM by Steven Ostrowski
    Trust can and should be the greatest asset an organization can have, Stephen M.R. Covey, author The Speed of Trust, Smart Trust and other best-selling books, told attendees at the CompTIA Annual Member Meeting Wednesday.“Nothing is as fast as the speed of trust,” Covey said in his keynote speech.” It’s not just trust as a social virtue. Rather, it’s an economic driver that can make a profound difference in your business. It’s an idea whose time has come.”When there is a low trust, everything tak ...
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  • Mobility Trends in 2012 and Beyond

    Apr 11, 2012, 22:45 PM by Lisa Fasold
    You know you need to be in the mobility market or at least embrace it for your customers, but are you struggling with how to capitalize on the opportunity and challenges mobility presents?  A panel of mobility experts at CompTIA’s Annual Member Meeting offered some answers for IT solutions providers struggling with that question.There’s no denying the growing trend of mobility.  Mobile device shipments eclipsed PC shipments for the first time 2011. Tablet shipments are expected to exceed 100 mil ...
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  • Introducing an IT Security Roadmap for the Channel

    Apr 11, 2012, 22:34 PM by Brian Sherman
    Spam and virus aren’t going away, nor are hacking and other threats to your clients’ systems and data. Much like malaria and other illnesses that mankind attempts to control, IT security concerns may typically be managed but never fully resolved. Despite significant advances in technology to deal with the more traditional threats to a business’ systems and data, new and more complex security issues are introduced on an almost daily basis.How can solution providers deal with the ever-changing thr ...
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  • Who Will Be the Next U.S. President?

    Apr 11, 2012, 22:32 PM by Lisa Fasold
    From now until November 6th, CompTIA will provide special political updates, making note of interesting developments in the 2012 presidential race, as well as the all-important balance of power in the U.S. Congress.  Why does this matter?Decisions by the U.S. President and Congress have a direct effect on technology policies which in turn impact the everyday business of the IT channel.  To this end, CompTIA kicked off the political season with a bang at AMM, inviting renowned pollster, author an ...
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  • Focus Shift Can Help Small IT Businesses

    Apr 11, 2012, 22:04 PM by Steven Ostrowski
    Small IT businesses are more successful when they focus on generating demand and nurturing leagues rather than focusing on managing demand. That was one of the messages delivered today during a meeting of the CompTIA Small Business Owners Community.The group, which focuses on the development of best practices, business fundamental education and resources for emerging IT businesses with fewer than 20 employees, met this week at the CompTIA Annual Member Meeting.“We go out there and fix immediate ...
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  • Creating a Healthcare IT Industry Roadmap

    Apr 11, 2012, 19:43 PM by Leslie Hague
    Are telemedicine, voice recognition and mobile applications emerging issues in healthcare IT, or current issues? What about dealing with fax machines – is it still an issue, or do solution providers not have to deal with it anymore? These were a few of the topics discussed at the CompTIA Healthcare IT Community meeting at the CompTIA Annual Member Meeting today in Chicago. The group began creating a roadmap of the healthcare IT industry, pinpointing emerging, current and fading issues ...
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  • IT Worker Shortages Reaching Critical Point

    Apr 11, 2012, 19:38 PM by Steven Ostrowski
    The shortage of skilled information technology (IT) workers is fast approaching a critical point where it could negatively impact industry growth and prosperity. That dire message was delivered today by speakers on an IT workforce panel at CompTIA Colloquium, the annual gathering of leaders in the IT training and certification industry.  The current supply of skilled IT workers in the United States is simply not enough, said Tania Lavin, market research manager, Allegis Group Inc. She cited ...
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  • IT Worker Shortages Reaching Critical Point

    Apr 11, 2012, 19:34 PM by Steven Ostrowski
    The shortage of skilled information technology (IT) workers is fast approaching a critical point where it could negatively impact industry growth and prosperity. That dire message was delivered today by speakers on an IT workforce panel at CompTIA Colloquium, the annual gathering of leaders in the IT training and certification industry. The current supply of skilled IT workers in the United States is simply not enough, said Tania Lavin, market research manager, Allegis Group Inc. She cited a r ...
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  • Improve Process Efficiencies to Raise Your Managed Services Margins

    Apr 11, 2012, 19:27 PM by Brian Sherman
    Both the speakers and audience at this morning’s MSP Partners Community meeting during CompTIA’s Annual Member Meeting kept coming back to a common pain point that many IT solution providers experience. Despite the high level of automation and remote processes followed by many industry experts, others continue to struggle to improve their organizations’ business and process efficiencies. As the company grows, what was once a small issue can snowball into a much greater problem that gets harder t ...
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  • The Ever-Expanding Channel Opportunities Highlighted at CompTIA AMM

    Apr 11, 2012, 15:42 PM by Brian Sherman
    IT is everywhere… that reality will help ensure successful futures for the IT solution provider community, as well as the many companies with a role in the IT channel. CompTIA CEO Todd Thibodeaux kicked off the 2012 Annual Member Meeting (AMM) yesterday by touching on where the industry has been over the past few years, and then stressing some of the most lucrative opportunities that lie ahead.The economy has affected the industry tremendously over the past few years, just now getting back to th ...
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  • Selling the Importance of IT Training to Employers

    Apr 11, 2012, 15:38 PM by Leslie Hague
    The IT training industry needs to stress the importance of hiring skilled workers and providing additional IT training to the employer audience, speakers at CompTIA Colloquium said on Tuesday.  It’s an audience that is sometimes overlooked, Terry Erdle, CompTIA executive vice president of certification; and Cushing Anderson, program vice president for research firm IDC, told attendees. “We haven’t necessarily sold this to the employing world, that if they get a skilled person, it’s much bet ...
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  • Selling the Importance of IT Training to Employers

    Apr 11, 2012, 15:33 PM by Leslie Hague
    The IT training industry needs to stress the importance of hiring skilled workers and providing additional IT training to the employer audience, speakers at CompTIA Colloquium said on Tuesday.  It’s an audience that is sometimes overlooked, Terry Erdle, CompTIA executive vice president of certification; and Cushing Anderson, program vice president for research firm IDC, told attendees.“We haven’t necessarily sold this to the employing world, that if they get a skilled person, it’s much better fo ...
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  • How Can We Train IT Pros for the Third Platform

    Apr 11, 2012, 14:45 PM by Lisa Fasold
    With a jam-packed room of CEOs from IT training companies during Colloquium today in Chicago, CompTIA discussed how as a group we can solve the IT skills gap quandary.  Speaker Cushing Anderson, VP of worldwide project-based services research, IDC, also broadened the discussion to how trainers can best equip their students and clients to prepare them for the 3rd platform now coming of age in the IT industry. As CompTIA Todd Thibodeaux explained to the training audience, Colloquium is really ...
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  • Consultants Discuss Their Role at CompTIA

    Apr 11, 2012, 14:39 PM by Leslie Hague
    In its second year, the CompTIA IT Business Growth Professionals Community is still working to cement its identity. The group, which includes consultants who provide coaching and business services to the IT industry, discussed its purpose and direction at the CompTIA Annual Member Meeting on Tuesday.“I think our value is in sharing knowledge,” said community member Larry Kesslin. “There are areas that each person in this room has expertise in that we can share to help us become better at what we ...
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  • The IT Services Opportunity: Winning with Solutions

    Apr 11, 2012, 14:38 PM by Brian Sherman
    One highlight of today’s IT Services and Support Community gathering during the CompTIA Annual Member Meeting (AMM) was the presentation by IT Services Marketing Association President and CEO David Munn. Starting out with a review of Google results for “solutions,” he demonstrated how generic the term has become. With millions of hits across a variety of different categories, the descriptor is clearly favored by businesses throughout the world.According to Munn, today’s ...
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