CompTIA Exam Objectives Under Development

CompTIA posts exam objectives that are under development to inform the public about the drafted changes currently under consideration for new and/or refreshed certification exams. When the development process is complete, the exam objectives will be removed from this page and a final version will be posted on the CompTIA Exam Objectives page.

Draft Exam Objectives

Draft exam objectives are posted after the job task analysis process and may contain minor errors, such as typos and acronym fixes. Multiple versions are expected between the initial post and the launch of a new exam as fixes are made. Check back regularly for new draft versions. Provide feedback using the Draft Exam Objectives Feedback Form below. 


Pre-Draft Exam Objectives

Pre-draft exam objectives are released before the Draft exam objectives to provide a first look at the tasks and skills identified in the Job Task Analysis (JTA) workshop. The Draft exam objectives will replace the Pre-draft exam objectives after approximately two months when the skills have been peer-evaluated and validated. Pre-draft exam objectives may contain typos and errata that will be corrected during the development process. 

CompTIA will not accept feedback on the Pre-draft exam objectives document. If errors are found, please wait until the Draft exam objectives are posted above, and then provide feedback using the Draft Exam Objectives Feedback form.