Jennifer Saha Posts

  • CompTIA Offers Assistance on Florida’s Terms and Conditions

    Jun 8, 2017, 18:20 PM by Jennifer Saha
    The State of Florida’s Department of Management Services has recently proposed some changes to their standard terms and conditions for state contracts. The state’s Agency for State Technology recently survived an attempt to decentralize technology funding, estimated at more than $700m annually. The proposed changes to the state’s standard terms and conditions take the state in the wrong direction. CompTIA expressed some concerns with the proposed changes and, with $700 million on the line in technology spending annually, we are hopeful that Florida hears our concerns and takes them to heart.
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  • HSITAG Meeting at AMM Features CIO of the State of Indiana Jared Linder

    Apr 3, 2017, 15:01 PM by Jennifer Saha
    At CompTIA’s Annual Member Meeting last month, Jared Linder, CIO of the State of Indiana’s Family and Social Services Administration, gave us an update on what’s happening in HHS IT in the state.
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  • Get a Deeper Look at 18F at this Month’s HSITAG Meeting

    Feb 3, 2017, 20:02 PM by Jennifer Saha
    When the federal government opens up a new line of business related to technology, the industry takes notice. This happened over the past few years with the evolution of the Technology Transformation Service (TTS) and its predecessors like the office of citizen services and innovative technology, the presidential innovation fellows and 18F.
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  • What is the Future of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Under a New Administration?

    Dec 19, 2016, 15:13 PM by Jennifer Saha
    Coming off a surprising federal election in December, the Human Services Information Technology Advisory Group (HSITAG) heard from national association leaders about their predictions on the future of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under a new administration. While a lot is still unknown and much to be revealed in the New Year, the one thing that the group agreed on (and has been publicly stated) is that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as we know it will go away – at least in part.
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  • Tech Leaders Strategize on How to Improve Civic Engagement

    Dec 16, 2016, 21:41 PM by Jennifer Saha
    Sacramento State University recently hosted a series of events to examine what is possible when government and technology interface. CompTIA’s SLED Council is a big supporter of the Sac State Policy and Politics program and even sponsored a $5,000 scholarship for a graduate student in 2016.
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  • Government and the Technology Outsourcing Pendulum

    Jul 7, 2016, 16:04 PM by Jennifer Saha
    The question that governments face, and constantly have different answers to, is, “should we outsource or should we do this in-house?” The answer, over time, has really depended on which is cheaper. This is the way it should be. As a shepherd of public funds, governments must constantly strive to achieve their goals with the least amount of money and resources invested.
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  • ACYF Briefs HSITAG on New Procurement Approach

    Jul 5, 2016, 12:57 PM by Jennifer Saha
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  • Texas Procurement Reforms

    Apr 25, 2016, 13:37 PM by Jennifer Saha
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