Janet Pinkerton Posts

  • New CompTIA Cloud Essentials Exam Debuts Partnered with ITpreneurs

    Dec 18, 2011, 17:00 PM by Janet Pinkerton
    Are you selling, developing or using cloud services and solutions? Validate your cloud knowledge with the new CompTIA Cloud Essentials exam now available. The exponential growth of cloud computing is driving increased demand for IT professionals with cloud expertise. IDC estimates that public cloud IT spending alone will grow from $21.5 billion in 2010 to $72.9 billion in 2015. To certify IT professionals’ readiness for evaluating, planning and executing cloud solutions, CompTIA collaborate ...
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  • Personal Best Practices for Mobile Device Security

    Nov 16, 2011, 15:50 PM by Janet Pinkerton
    How securely are you using your smartphones or network-enabled tablets? CompTIA reached out to industry experts for their top personal best practices for mobile device security, and here’s the resulting checklist: 1) Password-protect your device. This was the starting rule for all experts CompTIA contacted. “Passwords matter a lot,” said Rebecca Lawson, director of WW Enterprise Security Solutions for HP Enterprise Business. “You need to use them.” 2) Lock your phone when it’s not in use. “ ...
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  • Suggestions for Taking a High-Stakes IT Exam: Part II, Exam Logistics

    Oct 26, 2011, 16:24 PM by Janet Pinkerton
    THE DAY BEFORE THE EXAM 1) Know the address and phone number of the testing center, and how you will get there, and how much time it will take to reach the testing center site. 2) Get a good night’s sleep before the exam   THE DAY OF THE EXAM 1) Eat a balanced breakfast, including some form of protein to give long-lasting energy. 2) Dress comfortably, in layers. 3) Give yourself plenty of travel time. 4) Bring the address of and directions to the testing site 5) Bring any needed ide ...
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  • Cisco Learning Network Now Features CompTIA Certifications

    Sep 20, 2011, 18:15 PM by Janet Pinkerton
    The Cisco Learning Network, the Cisco certification social learning community, now features a dedicated page about CompTIA certification. The page educates IT professionals about how CompTIA and Cisco certifications help build strong career credentials for networking professionals. Vendor-neutral CompTIA certifications, specifically CompTIA A+ and Network+, frequently lead to either Cisco’s CCENT or CCNA certifications for a well-rounded resume. In addition, test results have shown that CompTIA ...
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  • CompTIA Troops to Tech Careers Helping Vets Obtain IT Jobs

    Aug 25, 2011, 16:50 PM by Janet Pinkerton
    CompTIA has long believed it, and a recent gathering of U.S. veterans in Chicago confirmed it: Veterans and returning service members need a program that helps them qualify for IT jobs. With the right IT job skills and aptitude, a veteran could take advantage of career opportunities in the U.S., where more than 450,000 IT positions remain unfilled due to a lack of qualified candidates. To address both veterans’ and U.S. industry needs, CompTIA on Tuesday, August 23rd, unveiled Troops to Tech Ca ...
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  • Helping Vets Obtain IT Jobs the Goal for CompTIA Troops to Tech Careers

    Aug 25, 2011, 16:44 PM by Janet Pinkerton
    CompTIA has long believed it, and a recent gathering of U.S. veterans in Chicago confirmed it: Veterans and returning service members need a program that helps them qualify for IT jobs. With the right IT job skills and aptitude, a veteran could take advantage of career opportunities in the U.S., where more than 450,000 IT positions remain unfilled due to a lack of qualified candidates. To address both veterans’ and U.S. industry needs, CompTIA on Tuesday, August 23rd, unveiled Troops to ...
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  • Campaigning Congress for Perkins' Support of Career and Tech Ed

    Aug 19, 2011, 15:45 PM by Janet Pinkerton
    Congress' August Recess is a critical time for CompTIA members to tell their representatives about the importance of career and technical education and urge Congress to restore funding to the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, which recently saw significant cuts. The Perkins Act is a principal vehicle for funding career and technical education (CTE) in this country, serving both high school and community college students preparing for college and careers. In FY 2011, Perkins w ...
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  • Campaigning Congress for Perkins’ Support of Career and Tech Ed

    Aug 18, 2011, 13:36 PM by Janet Pinkerton
    Congress’ August Recess is a critical time for CompTIA members to tell their representatives about the importance of career and technical education and urge Congress to restore funding to the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, which recently saw significant cuts.The Perkins Act is a principal vehicle for funding career and technical education (CTE) in this country, serving both high school and community college students preparing for college and careers.In FY 2011, Perkins was c ...
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  • NICE: Top-Down Cybersecurity Guidance for Grass Roots Change

    Jul 29, 2011, 13:40 PM by Janet Pinkerton
    What’s it going to take to strengthen cybersecurity in the U.S.? Explaining to an 80-year-old grandmother that she downloaded spyware when she played online games? Teaching middle-schoolers good cyber hygiene and cyber etiquette, along with the math and science fundamentals they will need to understand how tablet PCs, smartphones and wireless networks work? Outlining cybersecurity competencies and required certifications for a system administrator job description? Persuading Fortune 500 companie ...
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