Bob Dale Posts

  • Build a Management Team So the Business Isn’t All About You

    Jun 14, 2012, 14:45 PM by Bob Dale
    In my previous blog I wrote about the need to reduce customer concentration in order to increase your value to prospective buyers.  Now let’s talk about the importance of building your internal management team.In the early days of running your own business, it's natural for the founder to do as much as possible. It's the most cost-effective way to do things in the beginning—and no one knows your stuff better than you do. But as the company grows, you'll find yourself stretched too thin. At some ...
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  • Reduce Risk to Increase Your Economic Value

    Nov 14, 2011, 17:00 PM by Bob Dale
    In my previous blog I wrote about managing your costs to increase profitability and the value of your IT business. Let’s change gears and talk about something else that is related to value, but is more difficult to measure than sales and profits. I’m talking about risk. Risk refers to stability of earnings and diversity of products, services and markets. Investors in the stock market fully understand that companies with lower risk factors are generally worth more. But how does this apply to a pr ...
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  • 10 Ways to Increase the Value of Your Service Company

    Jul 13, 2011, 20:31 PM by Bob Dale
    In a previous post, I wrote about business valuation and how it varies according to who’s in the market looking to buy (including the different types of buyers). But how can you systematically drive up the value of your company?   Increasing the size and profitability of your business is the surest way to increase its value.  That’s easy to say, but which ideas are most suitable for the owner of an IT service company?  First let’s focus on specific suggestions that can increase your top-line rev ...
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