CompTIA DataSys+ DS0-001 Certification Study Guide


CompTIA Datasys+ is the industry standard.
Official CompTIA Content

The Official DataSys+ DS0-001 Study Guide

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Detalhes do produto

  • Tipo de mídia: Paperback ou ebook
  • Público-alvo: Aluno individual, autodidata
  • Editora: CompTIA Learning
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • Preço: eBook: $143

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What You'll Learn

This Official CompTIA DataSys+ (DS0-001) Study Guide was designed to give you the confidence to build and support growing data systems.

After reading this study guide, you will be able to:

  • Understand database structure types and the ability to develop, modify and run code providing the groundwork for database administrators to gather, store, and drive data assets.
  • Compare and contrast the different aspects of database planning and design and explain the various phases of implementation, testing, and deployment of collected data.
  • Understand the purpose of monitoring and reporting database performance, explain common database maintenance processes, and produce critical documentation.
  • Secure databases, protect against attacks, and control authorization while ensuring governance and regulatory compliance.

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