Official CompTIA Content (OCC) has been designed from the ground up to help you learn and master the material in your certification exam. Trust self-paced CompTIA study guides that are clearly written and structured, flexible so you can learn at any pace and focused on your exam success.
CompTIA Training bundles are a great way to continue your learning process in every stage of your exam preparation. Complement a study guide with popular training options such as:
The CompTIA CySA+ Certification Study Guide teaches the knowledge and skills needed to monitor and respond to network traffic findings, software and application security, automation, threat hunting and IT regulatory compliance. It will prepare you to take the CompTIA CySA+ CS0-003 exam by providing 100% coverage of the objectives and content examples listed on the syllabus.
After reading this study guide, you will be able to:
To get the most out of the CompTIA CySA+ Study Guide and be able to prepare for your exam you should have successfully earned the CompTIA Network+ certification and CompTIA Security+ certification or have equivalent knowledge. Specifically, it is recommended that you have the following skills and knowledge before starting this course: