Cities and counties recognized for improving operations with technology
WASHINGTON, D.C. – CompTIA, the nonprofit association for the information technology (IT) industry and workforce, and the Public Technology Institute (PTI) announced today the winners of the 2023 PTI Solutions Awards.
The annual PTI Solutions Awards program recognizes member cities and counties that have developed or deployed innovative technology solutions within the past 15 months that positively affected local government performance and service to the communities.
Categories included: Information Technology; Geospatial Information Systems; Public Safety, Emergency Management and Community Resiliency; and Web Services, E-Government, and Mobile Apps.
“Local governments are under a lot of pressure to improve efficiencies and empower their teams to better serve residents and businesses,” said Dr. Alan Shark, vice president of public sector and executive director of CompTIA PTI. “This year’s winners show how forward-looking local government leaders can leverage innovative thinking with technologies to improve their communities.”
2023 PTI Solutions Award Winners
Information Technology:
City of Worchester, Mass. (pop. 50,000-249,000)
City of Dallas (pop. over 250,000)
Alameda County, Calif. (pop. over 250,000)
Geospatial Information Systems:
Roanoke County, Va. (pop.50,000-249,000)
Public Safety, Emergency Management, and Community Resiliency:
Durham County, N.C. (pop. over 250,000)
Web Services, E-Government and Mobile Apps:
City of Williamsburg, Va. (pop. 50,000-249,000)
City of Scottsdale, Ariz. (pop. 50,000-249,000)
County of Alameda, Calif. (pop. over 250,000)
Abstracts of the Winners and Significant Achievement projects are available here.
About PTI
Established in 1971 by several major national associations representing state and local governments and now powered by CompTIA, the Public Technology Institute (PTI) has been viewed as the focal point for thought leaders who have a passion for the furtherance and wise deployment of technology. PTI actively supports local government officials through research, education, professional development, executive level consulting services, and national recognition programs.
About CompTIA
The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) is the world’s leading information technology (IT) certification and training body. CompTIA is a mission-driven organization committed to unlocking the potential of every student, career changer or professional seeking to begin or advance in a technology career. Each year CompTIA, directly and through its global network of partners, provides millions of people with training, education and certification. To learn more visit
Steve Ostrowski
Senior Director, Corporate Communications
(630) 678 - 8468
$2 trillion – Estimated direct economic impact of the U.S. tech industry, representing 8.8% of the national economy.
582,000 – Number of tech business establishments in the U.S.
9.1 million – U.S. net tech employment at the end of 2022.
286,400 – Estimated number of new technology jobs added in the U.S. in 2022.
4.1 million – Number of postings by U.S. employers for tech job openings during 2022.