WASHINGTON – CompTIA, the world’s leading technology association, released the following statement from CompTIA’s executive vice president for public advocacy Elizabeth Hyman following the House passage of the Mobile Workforce Act.
"CompTIA applauds the House of Representatives on the passage of the Mobile Workforce State Income Tax Simplification Act. It is imperative that our tax code catch up with the reality of today's digital economy. Technology allows for employees to work remotely, bring problem solving skills and tools with them, and meet customer needs from anywhere in the country. This legislation would make it easier for employees and employers to comply with state personal income tax laws, which can be especially burdensome for workers who are increasingly traveling across state lines. We hope the Senate will act soon to pass its own identical bill.”
CompTIA: Building the Foundation for Technology's Future
The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) is the world's leading technology association, with approximately 2,000 member companies, 3,000 academic and training partners, over 100,000 registered users and more than two million IT certifications issued. CompTIA's unparalleled range of programs foster workforce skills development and generate critical knowledge and insight – building the foundation for technology’s future.
About CompTIA Advocacy
Through its advocacy arm, CompTIA champions member-driven business and IT priorities that impact all information technology companies – from small managed solutions providers and software developers to large equipment manufacturers and communications service providers. CompTIA gives eyes, ears and a voice to technology companies, informing them of policy developments – and providing the means to do something about it.
Press Contact:
Preston Grisham
Steve Ostrowski
Senior Director, Corporate Communications
(630) 678 - 8468
Roger Hughlett
Director, Corporate Communications
(202) 503 - 3644