Press Releases

CompTIA Statement on Latest Tariffs Affecting Tech Industry

Sep 17, 2018

Washington, DC —  CompTIA, the leading trade association for the global technology industry, released the following statement from Executive Vice President for Public Advocacy Elizabeth Hyman regarding the newly announced tariffs on products with an annual trade value of approximately $200 billion.

“This irresponsible and ineffective trade war will only punish American consumers and companies while doing little to actually change China’s trade practices. The de facto taxes the Trump Administration announced today will only deepen the irreparable harm these tariffs have already inflicted on America’s tech companies and the 11.5 million Americans who work in tech.

“Tariffs on tech products are creating a no-win situation for American tech companies who cannot absorb additional costs without making tough decisions about whether to move manufacturing overseas, cut U.S. jobs, and/or raise prices for both consumers and government procurement. Tech products slated for additional duties are critical to strategic economic and national security priorities in the United States such as access to internet connectivity and the U.S.’s global leadership in artificial intelligence, 5G, and the Internet of Things, among others.

“The best solution to stopping China’s intellectual property theft practices and forced technology transfer policies is in working with Congress to develop a comprehensive strategic policy that can effectively address those longstanding challenges in China. We urge Congress and the administration to do that, and to continue to negotiate with China while collaborating with our allies who face the same challenges.”

About CompTIA
The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) is a leading voice and advocate for the $1.5 trillion U.S. information technology ecosystem; and the 11.5 million technology and business professionals who design, implement, manage, market, and safeguard the technology that powers the U.S. economy. Through education, training, certifications, advocacy, philanthropy, and market research, CompTIA is the hub for advancing the tech industry and its workforce. Visit to learn more.

Through its Advocacy arm, CompTIA champions member-driven business and IT priorities that impact all information technology companies – from small managed solutions providers and software developers to large equipment manufacturers and communications service providers. CompTIA gives eyes, ears and a voice to technology companies, informing them of policy developments – and providing the means to do something about it. Visit to learn more.


Josh Zecher
Vrge (For CompTIA)
[email protected]