Press Releases

CompTIA Establishes Advancing Diversity in Technology Community

May 24, 2017

Downers Grove, Ill. – CompTIA, the world’s leading technology association, today announced the formation of a new member community tasked with supporting and promoting workforce diversity throughout the tech industry.

The Advancing Diversity in Technology Community will help companies create work environments inclusive of all people regardless of age, cultural background, physical abilities, race, religion, gender and sexual orientation. Community members are committed to serving as advocates for the advancement of African-Americans, Hispanics and Latinos within the industry.

Nathan Archer, director of business development for A&H Technology Group, is the chairman of the Advancing Diversity in Technology Community.

“This group is vital on many facets,” Archer said. “We can have conversations around diversity and inclusion and the benefits of incorporating it into organizations. Through diversity, we can learn from one another; but first we must have a level of understanding about each other.

“We can develop strategies on how to open up more training opportunities for different segments of the population who do not have access to training,” Archer continued. “We want to prepare them for the corporate environment; not just to be able to survive, but to thrive. I believe this group can change the entire landscape, one company and one person at a time.”

Serving as vice chair is Aaron Woods, director, USCU ASP relationship and programs, Xerox Corporation.

“The African-American and Hispanic/Latino communities continue to be under represented in technology,” Woods said. “We want to open up to members of this community and to the broader industry the many resources CompTIA offers that can help support workforce diversity. By providing the exposure and connection to these resources it is my hope to remove obstacles that may hinder the economic aspirations of African-Americans and Latinos interested in a career in technology or in starting and growing a tech business.”

Other members of the community’s Leadership Council include:

  • Randolph D. Carnegie, president and managing director, Ken-Kor Consulting, Inc.;
  • Dayne Ealy, Consulting Services Group LLC;
  • Michael Schuler, vice president, remarketing, HiTech Assets, LLC;
  • Rico Singleton, vice president of strategy and planning, BDPA (Black Data Processing Associates);
  • Rafael Torres, faculty professor, St. Augustine College;
  • Barry Williams, executive director, indirect channel sales, Comcast Business; and
  • Nicole Williams, managing director, Sajiton, LLC

Yvette Steele is the CompTIA staff liaison to the community.

Companies seeking to expand their diversity and inclusion within their organizations, or anyone who supports the goal of a diversified tech industry is welcome to join the community. Visit for more information.

The Advancing Diversity in Technology Community is one of 18 communities, councils and commissions established by CompTIA. These groups of experts and thought leaders, representing all corners of the technology industry, are engaged in a wide range of initiatives and projects intended to advance the global tech industry and shape its future.

CompTIA: Building the Foundation for Technology's Future

The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) is the world's leading technology association, with approximately 2,000 member companies, 3,000 academic and training partners, over 100,000 registered users and more than two million IT certifications issued. CompTIA's unparalleled range of programs foster workforce skills development and generate critical knowledge and insight – building the foundation for technology’s future. Visit CompTIA online, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to learn more. 

Steven Ostrowski
[email protected]­