- Read the Conference Guide: Get detailed descriptions of exhibitors, speaker bios, full agenda topics and updates from CompTIA.
- Participate in the IT Channel Training Courses: More than 12 modules are available where you can earn certificates in cloud and IT security and credits for healthcare IT, legal services sales, and unified communications. Plus there are courses in government IT sales, managed IT services and managed print services.
- Listen to the Tuesday Morning Keynote: Hear about the state of the industry from CompTIA and learn how to “Make it Happen” from noted author Peter Sheahan. Don't miss the book club lunch with Sheahan that day too.
- Play Tag and Win: Visit booths in the Technology Vendor Fair, vote for Best of Breakaway Awards, attend sessions,
network at meetings and donate to the Creating IT Futures Foundation to earn tag points and win great prizes. - Attend a Community Meeting: Engage with industry leaders in key CompTIA communities.
- Vote for the Best of Breakaway: Choose the best exhibitor of hardware, software, services and the best overall.
- Catch the Wednesday Morning Channel Chiefs Power Panel: Gain insights from executives from Acer, AMD, Juniper Networks and Microsoft, as moderated by Joe Panettieri of Nine Lives Media.
- Gather Best Practices at the CompTIA Security Trustmark Workshop: Set yourself apart and learn how you to adhere to security best practices.
- Network at the CompTIAccelerate Dinner: Join your peers, learn from the challengers and laugh at the Capitol Steps.
- Attend Thursday’s CompTIA Tech Summit: Hear from government policy-makers about laws and policies that may affect your healthcare IT and cybersecurity businesses.
When in doubt, go to the CompTIA registration desk on-site and we’ll help you find your way around. See you next week in D.C.