Hot on the virtual heels of cloud computing, unified communications (UC) appears to be the next big workplace communications trend. According to a recent poll by Evolve IP, The Cloud Services Company, 84 percent of organizations that do not use UC features are considering some type of implementation in the next three years. Tools like video conferencing, which once seemed futuristic, are becoming a standard part of doing business.
It takes a complex combination of devices and services to make this work, and there are obstacles to widespread adoption of advanced communications solutions, especially for small- to medium-sized businesses. According to Evolve IP’s report, “nearly 6 in 10 respondents felt that selecting the right system was a difficult or major challenge, and 55 percent felt that identifying the right vendor was equally as hard.”
Businesses want to move forward, but need trustworthy guidance. These three tips will help you provide that guidance and sell businesses the safe, reliable and scalable communications solutions of the future.
Sell Future-Proof and Flexible
One of the big selling points of advanced communications is that it sets up a robust infrastructure that should be easily scalable for future applications. Businesses with a “future-proof” UC-ready infrastructure shouldn’t fear the next big thing — they should already be set up for it. Assurance of a flexible network goes a long way as well. Companies want a network that will remain secure but not create time-wasters like difficulties logging in from different devices.
Sell Seamlessness and Savings
When implemented correctly, an advanced communications infrastructure should ensure that devices never have trouble talking to each other, that video conferences can be put together on the fly and that security settings on one side of a conference call won’t prevent others from dialing in. This type of seamless integration not only lowers stress levels, it saves money. A proper integration will increase network uptime and lower the cost of device maintenance.
Sell Your Team’s Certification
Advanced communications solutions are complex, technically sophisticated initiatives with plenty of room for error. Investing in training and certification for your sales and technical teams will pay off. Your sales team will approach clients with confidence while your technical team delivers the infrastructure that’s required.
Remember that businesses you approach may have a history of unsuccessful and costly attempts at implementing interoperable systems. They may experience frequent network outages due to old infrastructure or even have desktops littered with applications that never worked correctly. Certifications lend an assurance that you will not lead them down the path to more half-finished projects and half-functioning communication technology.
If you’re interested in learning more about the burgeoning world of advanced communications — and finding out how to put together the best play possible to sell UC to a client — check out CompTIA’s UC resources, including CompTIA’s Advanced Communications: An Infrastructure Play Solution Sales Playbook Template.
Kelly Ricker is senior vice president, events and education at CompTIA.