Suggestions for Taking a High-Stakes IT Exam: Part II, Exam Logistics

THE DAY BEFORE THE EXAM 1) Know the address and phone number of the testing center, and how you will get there, and how much time it will take to reach the testing center site. 2) Get a good night’s sleep before the exam   THE DAY OF THE EXAM 1) Eat a balanced breakfast, including some form of protein to give long-lasting energy. 2) Dress comfortably, in layers. 3) Give yourself plenty of travel time. 4) Bring the address of and directions to the testing site 5) Bring any needed ide ...


1) Know the address and phone number of the testing center, and how you will get there, and how much time it will take to reach the testing center site.

2) Get a good night’s sleep before the exam



1) Eat a balanced breakfast, including some form of protein to give long-lasting energy.

2) Dress comfortably, in layers.

3) Give yourself plenty of travel time.

4) Bring the address of and directions to the testing site

5) Bring any needed identification, i.e., drivers license or exam voucher receipt



1) Take the exam all the way through in one pass and then go back to review your answers.

2) Read each question and its answers thoroughly, then make a decision quickly. Try to mentally answer the question before you read the answers supplied by the exam.

3) If you know the answer, mark it down and move on to the next question.

4) If you don't know the answer to a question, mark the question for review and choose an answer, even if you're not sure or have no idea what it should be. Why? Not answering a question will guarantee you won’t get any points you won't get any points for that question, and chances are a question later in the test will help you answer the one you didn't know.

5) If you are unsure of the right answer to a question, try to narrow the answers down to two choices by eliminating the wrong answers.

6) Watch for important keywords in both questions and answers. Key words or phrases — such as “not best” or “all should” or “should not”—can make a big difference in matching the right answer to the question asked.

7) When answering long questions, always read the statement with the “?” first. Determine what is being asked and then read the rest of the question to pick out the relevant information. This avoids the need to re-read the question numerous times.

8) Don’t be afraid to write things down to help yourself think through a question. In most testing centers, you will receive a small dry-erase tool you can use for notes during the exam. Draw the question as it is being described – visual representations always help.

9) When you have completed the exam, go back and review your answers, especially the questions you marked as difficult to answer.

10) As you review your exam, try to avoid second-guessing your answers. Many students tend to select the correct answer, doubt themselves and change the answer to an incorrect answer.


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