Washington State legislators will convene today in Olympia for the 2017 legislative session. The regular session is scheduled to run 105 days through April 23, however special session extensions are likely. Distracted Driving Legislation Last week, the Seattle Times published an article regarding a legislative push on distracted driving. From the sounds of the article, Washington State legislators are interested in a few components: increased fines, reporting citations to courts and insurance companies, funding for publicity campaigns around distracted driving and changes to the criminal code.The draft languageis here for review. In addition to the new wave of legislators on account of the election, several additional membership changes have occurred in the Legislature. Dino Rossi (R) was appointed to fill the 45th Legislative District seat left vacant by the passing of Senator Andy Hill. Rebecca Saldaña (D) was appointed to fill the 37th District vacancy when Senator Pramila Jayapal left to assume her congressional seat. Governor Jay Inslee (D) released his $46.4 billion 2017-19 biennium operating budget proposal for Washington State. The proposal includes increasing Near General Fund State spending by $8.2 billion over the $38.2 billion 2015-17 biennial budget. This release followed and included Tuesday’s announcement of Governor Inslee’s education funding plan that proposed $3.9 billion in new dollars for K-12 education funded by $4.4 billion in new revenue.
○ Eliminating sales tax exemption on bottled water The release of the governor’s budget proposals in December is the first step in the upcoming budget development process for the 2017 Washington State Legislature. The House and Senate budget proposals will be released during the 2017 session with extensive negotiations to follow. Washington State has incurred to date about $52 million in sanctions imposed by the Washington State Supreme Court. The sanctions are based on the state’s failure to show significant progress toward meeting the Supreme Court’s McCleary decision requirements that the Legislature fully fund K-12 basic education. The Legislative Education Funding Task Force plan is anticipated to be revealed by the first day of session. Meanwhile, Senator Baumgartner (R-Spokane) has filed an amendment (SJR 8200) to the state constitution that would give the Legislature sole authority to set school funding, as explained in this Spokesman-Review article. And HB 1021, requiring K-12 education be funded first, has been pre-filed by Representative MacEwen (R-Union). Affordable Care Act Impacts in Washington State Hospital leaders in Washington State are working together to address possible changes to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), as outlined in this Seattle Times article. Hospitals hope to keep coverage for those who gained it through the ACA. It is estimated 22 million Americans, including 750,000 Washingtonians, would lose health care coverage if the ACA is repealed. The Office of Financial Management recently created this presentation outlining the impact on Washington State from a repeal of the ACA, including which counties in the state would be most impacted. In December, Governor Inslee and Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler (D) wrote this letter to Congressional Republicans asking them to preserve the ACA. In early December, Washington State formally adopted its first set of computer science standards as outlined in this Seattle Times article. There are an estimated 23,000 open computing jobs in Washington State according to the nonprofit Code.org. The adopted curriculum was based on standards developed by the Computer Science Teachers Association. Pay-Per-Mile System Piloted in Washington State Washington State plans to start a pilot program charging drivers for road usage by the mile in the fall of 2017, as reported in the Tacoma News Tribune here. The yearlong project will include 2,000 drivers from across Washington State and is being considered as a possible replacement for the existing gas tax assessed on each gallon sold. It is estimated by the Department of Transportation that gas tax revenue will decline by 45% per mile driven by the year 2035. Washington State lawmakers are looking into a solution for its drivers licenses which do not meet federal standards taking effect in January 2018, as explained in this King 5 News story. Washington State drivers are not required to present proof of legal residence to obtain a license, which is required under the federal law. The Chairs of the Senate and House Transportation Committees have proposed SB 5008 and HB 1041 to enable the use of Washington State drivers’ licenses until at least 2020. The proposed legislation also makes enhanced drivers licenses less expensive. Please mark your calendars with these important dates related to the 2017 session. |
Olympia Lawmakers Return for 2017 Session
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