Navigating Congress: Help Us to Help You

With the beginning of the 112th Congress now under way, the IT industry faces many challenges and opportunities.  The job of the our Public Advocacy staff is to make sure that your voice and your concerns are heard in the “People’s House”.  Nevertheless, it is only truly the people’s house if the stories and experiences of the people are what lawmakers hear and read about.  In the immortal words of Jerry Maguire, “help us to help you.”  A ...
With the beginning of the 112th Congress now under way, the IT industry faces many challenges and opportunities.  The job of the our Public Advocacy staff is to make sure that your voice and your concerns are heard in the “People’s House”.  Nevertheless, it is only truly the people’s house if the stories and experiences of the people are what lawmakers hear and read about.  In the immortal words of Jerry Maguire, “help us to help you.” 

As, computer hardware manufacturers, software developers, technology distributors and IT specialists, you provide a unique point of view to Congressional members and their staff. Whether it is how you feel a law impacts your business or how regulations may have an effect on innovation, your voice is needed!
Help us show Congress that these issues are important to the IT community.  We are interested in anecdotes on:

  • Healthcare IT – What are your clients’ concerns regarding expense, implementation? What would enable a smoother transition? What are your leading concerns, needs and insights?

  • The 1099 Tax Reporting Requirement – How will this affect your business? Are you concerned about the extra time and expense this will create?

  • The Business Activity Tax – Are you seeing a rise in taxes in states where you do business that are based on economic activity rather than physical presence? How burdensome is this for your company? 

  • Data Notification and Security Breaches – Do differences in these laws among states impact your ability to do business? How so? 

  • IT Procurement – Do you have innovative products and solutions but the government purchasing space is simply unknown, too complicated or just simply too financially risky? What are some of the obstacles?

  • Cybersecurity – What challenges have you faced in this area? What are your personal experiences?  

  • Cloud Computing – What are the biggest regulatory and legal obstacles to your company entering this space? 

If you or your company has an experience or perspective you would like to share and want to add your voice to the discussion respond to this blog or contact Matthew L. Evans. Moreover, if you have an issue or a concern in which you think staff has not adequately addressed, please let us know. We look forward to working with you.

Email us at [email protected] for inquiries related to contributed articles, link building and other web content needs.

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