How AI can be a game changer for education

Explore how artificial intelligence can be used as a tool to help drive student success and create efficiencies for educators.

9.6_Session Deep Dive_ AI in Education_Blog Thumbnail_515x325Whenever an exponential technology storms onto the scene, it creates inflection points – moments where humans recognize that they need to pivot and reconsider what they do, and how they do it. Humanity has pivoted at the advent of various technologies, from the printing press, to the Internet, and now AI. 

As educators, it is up to us to use AI in two ways: First, we can teach how organizations and technologists around the world use AI. Second, we can use it as a teaching supplement. Join us at the EMEA Member and Partner Conference 2024 for The Impact of AI on Skills and Training session as we examine various ways instructors are using new disruptive technologies to transform their classrooms. We will report how educators are teaching the workforce to engage in useful AI-to-human dialogue, as well as how to become wise consumers of AI-provided services. Along the way, we will also discuss some of the early lessons organizations around the world are learning about practical AI implementation. 
Register today to secure your spot at CompTIA EMEA Member and Partner Conference 2024 

During The Impact of AI on Skills and Training session, we’ll discuss:

  • Setting realistic expectations of artificial intelligence in the classroom, and in the IT department 

  • How AI can transform workflows and creating efficiencies, as long as it is placed in an environment where it can thrive 

  • Challenges facing organizations as they implement  

  • How technology is being adapted to help change education 

  • Steps educators are taking to help students use AI efficiently 

It’s important to understand the opportunities artificial intelligence creates – given the proper environment

AI can be a powerful tool that can create efficiencies and empower educators, but it’s doesn't provide a magic solution for every problem. While it can do wonders for things such as automating tasks, enhancing data analysis and providing predictive insights, it also requires a significant amount of high-quality data as well as human oversight.  

For AI to thrive, it must be placed into a proper business and technological environment. We must be realistic about how we implement AI. We also need to understand its qualities and shortcomings. Once we understand these elements, educators and organizations worldwide can avoid the hype that occurs when a promising technology storms onto a scene. It is up to us – workers and educators – to engage in a useful dialogue with AI to ensure progress. 

AI is transforming the landscape of in-demand skills in tech 

As AI continues to be adopted, the value of AI-related and AI-adjacent skills will increase more than most currently expect. CompTIA research shows that employers believe AI skills are becoming critical, such as the use of AI to improve data analytics (cited by 44%) and the use of AI to improve cybersecurity capabilities (cited by 34%).1 Meeting this demand puts more focus on the importance of upskilling and continuous learning across all levels of experience, and across virtually every technical and even non-technical job role.  

The adoption of AI also highlights the importance of key soft skills, including curiosity, adaptability and critical thinking. Workers also need skills to enable organizations to engage in transparency and explainability. As organizations use AI, they will need to adhere to policies, standards, and best practices. They will also need to explain why and how their organizations are behaving when it comes to all faces of User Experience (UX). New learners looking to enter the tech workforce will be expected to have these skills. 

Educators are adapting to use AI to help drive education forward

Emerging technologies are making an impact across the education space. By offering new opportunities for creating personalized learning experiences, providing real-time feedback, and streamlining administrative tasks, educators can create new ways of learning and adapt their approaches to accommodate a wide range of learning styles. CompTIA's product roadmap will be integrating AI in the near future, including the release of AI Essentials to help build general AI acumen and domain-specific AI concepts built into product refreshes. 

Here’s an example of how AI can be incorporated into an instructor’s workflow

Pre-Course Preparation: 

  • Review the AI-led content and tools 

  • Plan live sessions and interactive activities 

Course Kick-off: 

  • Conduct an orientation session 

  • Explain the role of AI in the course 

During the Course: 

  • Monitor learner progress using AI analytics 

  • Provide feedback and support based on AI-driven assessments 


  • Encourage participation in gamified activities 

  • Facilitate discussions in forums and social media groups 

Continuous Monitoring: 

  • Use predictive analytics to identify at-risk learners 

  • Provide targeted support and interventions 


  • Collect feedback and analyse it to improve future courses 

  • Update content based on the latest trends and learner needs  

By effectively integrating AI tools with traditional instructional methods, instructors can deliver a more personalized, engaging, and effective learning experience for their students.  

Unlock the tools and best practices for incorporating AI in education 

AI is only as good as the organization that uses it, the platforms it runs on, and prompts it receives. To make the best use of this exciting technology, current recommendations include using reputable companies that follow sound, public policies, use modern platforms, and properly train their employees. It’s best to start small with a pilot program to determine how it can be incorporated into existing processes and the overall impact it has on educators and students. 

Don’t miss out on learning more about artificial intelligence in education at the CompTIA EMEA Member and Partner Conference 2024

When used as a tool to complement human teaching and learning, artificial intelligence can help drive student success and create efficiencies for educators. Join us at the CompTIA EMEA Member and Partner Conference 2024 to be part of the conversation and learn more during The Impact of AI on Skills and Training session.  


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