Get a Job: How to Align a Hiring Manager’s Needs to Your Skills

Learn how to find creative ways to turn your narrative into information that creates the grounds for a confident hiring decision.

“I’m certified, and I’ve been putting my resume out there. But I’m not getting many interviews. What can I do to get noticed?” I’ve fielded versions of this question from career changers and experienced IT pros throughout the world.

It’s easy to say that getting attention occurs when both sides of the hiring discussion agree on a few well-known factors, and that the process is entirely logical. In that perfect world, getting the attention of a hiring manager is the result of a logical skills measurement process, where metrics are king.

But a lot of folks feel like they’ve been stuck in some sort of measurement matrix. That feeling can be frustrating – even disheartening.

Catch Fire with the Right Hiring Elements

It’s important to remember that the hiring process is really an exercise in building trust. To build trust, you have to combine a number of critical elements. The problem is, some of these elements are under your control as a job seeker, and some, well, just aren’t.

My favorite analogy is comparing the hiring process to starting a campfire. To build a fire, you need three things: Oxygen, heat and fuel. This is known as the “fire triangle.”

Three Elements for Fire

Figure 1: The three elements needed to create fire

When it comes to catching a spark in a job interview, you need to get more than just three elements, right?

You need to validate your experience, knowledge, creativity, reliability, flexibility, peer standing, teachability, maturity and achievement. You must be able to show some combination of these elements during the hiring process.

Elements you need to validate during the hiring process

Figure 2: Elements you need to validate during the hiring process

Escape the Trust Matrix

It’s on you to produce evidence that a hiring manager can trust you. But it’s on the hiring manager to clearly state the metrics that catch their attention. Otherwise, you have a broken dialog.

Building trust most often involves answering the following questions for hiring managers:

  • Can I really rely on this person?Does this person really have hands-on skills?
  • How has this person proven real learning ability?
  • Can this person work and play well with others?
    • How does this person rank with a particular peer group – say, a group of security analysts?
    • How well does this person adjust to the unexpected, and to changes in direction?


    It’s your job to figure out how to efficiently answer these questions.

    Attract the Right Kind of Attention

    The good news is that there’s a way out of the trust matrix. The answer is to find creative ways to tell a story – a realistic narrative. Visualize some of those trust elements. Turn it into information that creates the grounds for a confident hiring decision. This way, you can help the hiring manager align their needs to your skills.

    Codify and Record Your Learning Artifacts

    Traditionally, hiring managers would review information such as the type of college you attended. Those outdated ways of determining skill and fit hardly encourage diversity, equity and inclusion.

    It’s high time that hiring managers look beyond mere pedigree, and instead focus on skills. Back in the day, all a hiring manager had to do was ask questions like: “What university did he graduate from?” and “What was her GPA?” Thankfully, those times are past.

    Therefore, it’s your job to turn all the random learning data and skills artifacts you have generated into actual, actionable information that answers the trust-building questions I mentioned earlier.

    Engage in Hands-On Activities

    To make your mark and raise your hiring manager profile, consider doing the following:

    • Get certified – CompTIA certifications, for example, test both your knowledge and skills and validate that you’re able to perform the duties required on the job.
    • Demonstrate your ability to work with others by doing volunteer work for nonprofit organizations (e.g., clubs, co-ops, schools, church groups), and by doing group-based activities
    • Show evidence of your hands-on activities by getting testimonials and putting them in your LinkedIn profile
    • Assure hiring managers that you can adjust to constantly-changing conditions by doing ad-hoc work for people – from neighbors to family to co-workers – experience is experience

    Hiring managers are looking for workers that can handle today’s asynchronous working environments.

    Cybersecurity Pros: Prove Your Experience

    One way you can bolster certification badges is by engaging in hands-on activities, such as those put on by the National Cyber League (NCL). The NCL connects both new and experienced IT and security workers through group-based activities and competitions. You can engage in security competitions that include hands-on practice in skills ranging from cryptography to pen testing and security analytics.

    During these activities, you’ll learn about using Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), how to conduct reconnaissance, follow the steps of the hacker lifecycle (e.g., the Lockheed Martin Cyber Kill Chain) and conduct security analytics.

    For example, Figure 3 below shows the beginning of an exercise where you will use Yara to discover a particular indicator of compromise (IoC) found in a particular piece of code.

    Typical hands-on mission statement from an NCL competition

    Figure 3: Typical hands-on mission statement from an NCL competition

    One of the features of the NCL is that you can obtain a report that shows your learning and activity artifacts, such as that shown here in Figure 4.

    A sample NCL activity report

    Figure 4: A sample NCL activity report

    This report does more than just rank your performance. As shown in Figure 5, it can also provide considerable detail about your hands-on mastery of various security practices.

    Detailed NCL report information

    Figure 5: Detailed NCL report information

    Cyber Skyline, the outfit that provides the platform for the NCL, works with organizations such as Lockheed Martin, CloudStrike and Capital One, who value the reports from these competitions. I was talking with Franz Payer, Cyber Skyline’s CEO, the other day, and he told me how today’s companies are always interested in finding ways to analyze and draw lessons from the data exhaust from almost any hands-on learning exercise.

    The Scouting Report drills down into various game modules, including cryptography, enumeration, log analysis, OSINT and several others.

    Create Indicators of Trust

    I think that these scouting reports, combined with IT certifications, are a powerful indicator of trust for hiring managers. That’s why CompTIA and the NCL have been partners for some time.

    Our job at CompTIA is to move the skills needle and build a qualified workforce. If you focus on providing evidence of hands-on activities using resources like the NCL’s scouting reports, you’ll quickly discover additional ways you can build trust with hiring managers.

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    slicehostjohn Tue Apr 19 2022

    This is a well thought out article with very useful real world information. I think it would help if

    This is a well thought out article with very useful real world information. I think it would help if CompTIA started promoting their PenTest+ as I found it more challenging than the CEH, which has a higher rating on the certification matrix. I would also like to see an expanded job board matching CompTIA certified individuals with companies looking for short and long term talent. Read full comment


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