Discover key insights to boost your marketing strategy

Learn the power of customer personas, unlock industry insights, and build a stronger strategy at CompTIA EMEA Member and Partner Conference 2024.

9.4_Tips and Tricks Marketing Education Solutions_Blog Thumbnail_515x325In today’s competitive education landscape, growth and success can be measured by the strength of your marketing strategy. Whether you’re focused on further developing your existing strategy or only beginning to build your approach, you can increase your reach and maximize your impact when promoting CompTIA courses by ensuring you have a well-planned strategy that includes industry-leading research, roadmaps to successful outcomes, and strong customer personas. 
Register for the CompTIA EMEA Member and Partner Conference 2024 today to learn more. 
At the CompTIA EMEA Member and Partner Conference 2024, you can take part in our Partner Spotlight Tables to get actionable insights into marketing strategies, sales innovations, customer success and CompTIA certifications. Boost your business by asking questions and discussing challenges as you move between tables to connect with thought leaders. 

Unlock the power of customer personas

Detailed customer personas that include accurate needs, preferences, goals, and barriers are key for creating personalized sales content and marketing messages. A well-rounded strategy built on accurate customer personas enables you to optimize CompTIA offerings and drive greater growth in the competitive education landscape. With our customer intelligence insights and key selling points for CompTIA products and services, you can discover new ways to connect with educators and boost your business. 

Discuss career trends from the latest CompTIA Tech Jobs Report

Tech occupation employment over the next 10 years is expected to grow higher than the rate of overall employment across the economy.1 By 2030, projections from Lightcast put the base of tech occupation employment at approximately 1.394 million.2 By understanding the evolving needs of the industry and the shape of market trends, you can tailor your sales approach and showcase your knowledge to build stronger relationships with your current and prospective clients. 
The CompTIA Tech Jobs Report provides an in-depth analysis of current trends and future projections in the technology job market so you can provide research-backed guidance as part of your marketing strategy. 

Learn about incorporating durable skills and certification roadmaps in your strategy

Durable skills, also known as soft skills, can give career changers more confidence as they consider a new career path in tech. Instead of viewing their new career journey as a reset, they can make the most of valuable durable skills they’ve already built across different roles or industries. Durable skills, including communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, adaptability and more, can also help educators guide learners toward career paths that align with existing strengths and skills. 

A blend of durable and technical skills is essential to success in tech. Certification roadmaps outline paths that start with fundamental tech skills and grow to include the advanced expertise required for various tech roles. The world of tech can be overwhelming and intimidating for learners, but certification roadmaps provide a clear plan with actionable steps for validating growing skills.  

Increase your impact by getting more insights at CompTIA EMEA Member and Partner Conference  

Don’t miss out on learning more about effective marketing solutions and getting insights you can use to strengthen your sales approach. At CompTIA EMEA Member and Partner Conference 2024, you can join the conversation with industry leaders, discuss your challenges, and unlock ways to build an innovative strategy that resonates with educators and inspires learners. With peer-to-peer learning, ample social time and events, and sessions for professionals at every stage of their careers, it’s an exciting event where new opportunities await as we forge the future of tech together. 


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