While most of us consider vampires, werewolves and zombies a great example of a bad transformation, superheroes illustrate quite the opposite effect; a very successful makeover. What small business owner doesn’t dream of seeing his mild mannered business change just like Clark Kent –into a super strong entity, capable of almost anything. While a company won’t likely leap tall buildings and stop speeding bullets, it can move from a distressed or weak organization to a force in the industry.
That change may be the result of added technologies, such as UC (Unified Communication) or managed IT Services; or the creation of a new business unit, such as Healthcare IT. There are a number of great business opportunities facing solution providers today, and VARs and MSPs must understand the changes needed to take advantage of them—and implement them properly!
How do you ensure your business transformation provides your company with “super powers,” rather than forced to spend eternity as a member of “the undead?” Considering the potential risk, CompTIA has developed a number of “how-to” and “best practice” guides to help you successfully implement change in your organization. Truth be told, the opportunities ahead make it more exciting than ever, in a good, not evil way. But we need your help…
We’ve identified a number of areas that appear ripe with opportunity for solution providers and IT channel organizations. Our goal is to create a portfolio of guides and education programs that will provide specific strategies for VARs and MSPs to capitalize on those prospects. Help us define the direction we take by telling us which of the following is a practice you have in place or are looking to pursue. Please send your comments and suggestions to dliutikas@comptia.org.
- Starting a Cloud/SaaS Business
- IT Security or Selling Security as a Service
- Starting a Managed Print Services Business
- Entering the Financial Services Field
- Starting a Unified Communications Business
- Building a Marketing and Sales Strategy for Channel Sales Success (including Social Media)
- Security End User Training
- Selling Technology Services to the Government