Senior Director,
Technology Analysis
The technology landscape has changed so much over the past five years that you might expect any list of predictions to highlight the next transformative invention — but history shows us that things don’t quite work that way. Every round of disruptive technology includes an extended adjustment period, time for adoption to reach critical mass and optimizations to take place. In 2015, the IT industry will move from the chaotic introduction of cloud and mobility into a more measured phase, one where businesses begin to understand the ways that business operations will change. Using results from our 2015 IT Industry Outlook, we’ve identified four technology trends expected to play out over the upcoming year, plus counter trends that will still be driving business decisions without always making splashy headlines. Download the report now and see if your business is on track with what’s trending.
The Trends
The first major trend is the shift toward thinking about business systems more holistically rather than focusing on individual projects for cloud and mobility. New systems built from the ground up will give businesses greater flexibility and productivity than simply migrating old systems into new models. Of course, there is significant cost in rearchitecture, so the counter trend is the many existing systems that will require upkeep as businesses move toward a new normal.
The second trend is related to all the data being generated through the use of these new systems. Regardless of volume, variety or velocity, the bottom line is that companies will need to increase their competency in handling data. From security to analytics, there are many skills involved in making sure that this critical asset is protected and used to its fullest extent. While much of the current focus is on new tools and techniques for dealing with Big Data, the counter trend is the continuing need to ensure foundational skills with data management so that any underlying issues do not blow up as more data is used.
As cloud and mobility become building blocks for new business systems, the Internet of Things is a direct result and has become the newest fad to capture the industry’s attention. While the individual components like connectivity and intelligent devices are fairly familiar, the ubiquity and computing power of these components is creating opportunity for entirely new workflows and revenue streams. Just as companies need to be careful to strategically build data management capabilities, they must also build the appropriate skills and practices with cloud and mobility before moving too quickly down the IoT path.
Finally, all of this new technology creates a serious security issue as companies build greater digital dependencies and experiment with models before all the loopholes are closed. The major security breaches over the past two years show how there needs to be not only greater focus but also a completely new approach. Biometrics, in-app security, contextual cues and proximity awareness will all play a much larger role in future security designs. With that said, perimeter security, anti-virus and physical security aren’t going anywhere. Businesses will need to complement these traditional security measures as they are expanding on their traditional infrastructure.
There are certainly many fascinating technologies on the horizon, from the constantly tantalizing quantum computing to the far-reaching implications of the blockchain technology that enables BitCoin. These are worth keeping an eye on, but the main drivers for business this year will the next steps on the cloud/mobile path the industry finds itself on.
Seth Robinson is CompTIA’s senior director of technology analysis.