10 Tips For a Cleaner IT Resume

When is the last time you looked at your resume? These tips will take the stress out of resume revision and set you up for your next position.

We get it. It’s difficult to get excited about reviewing your resume, but it’s important to have a current and clean copy when you’re ready for your next move. Here are 10 tips that will help your resume stand out from the pack.

1. Keep a running master list of skills, and pick what’s relevant for each position.

Not every experience will apply to every job. Make sure your resume is targeted and effective by choosing specific skills to include for each position.

2. Include social media handles with your contact information at the top of your resume.

Your Twitter feed and LinkedIn profile can give potential employers a better picture of you. Just make sure they present you in the best light.

3. Engage the reader with a summary at the top.

The average recruiter spends six seconds scanning a resume and looks for key information in the top portion. Catch their attention by including a short summary or career objective in the top third of your resume.

4. Add key skills from the job description to get past the HR software.

Add keywords from the job description into the skills section of your resume to get a higher match on the applicant tracking system used by employers.

5. Quantify where you can.

If available, figures and statistics show measurable achievements. For example, “developed a marketing plan that raised revenues by 12%,” is better than “created marketing plans.”

6. It’s not about the tech. It’s about you!

Many IT pros emphasize the technology they have worked with instead of the skills they have. While you want to highlight technical experiences, keep the focus on how you used the technology to achieve your goals and how those abilities will transfer well to the new position.

7. Include a mixture of technical and professional skills.

Your resume should show both your technical abilities and how you work well with people. Be sure to include a balance of each.

8. Show the progression of your leadership through different achievements in each promotion.

You don’t have to repeat the name of the company when listing different positions you’ve held within the same organization. Instead, under one company heading, show how your responsibilities grew with each promotion or move.

9. Highlight your technical background with a certificates, licenses and software sections.

Certifications make your resume stand out against the rest. These let your potential employers know you have the skills to succeed in your position.

10. Share your unique hobbies.

A creative hobbies section can show potential employers your memorable qualities. You want the hobbies to be specific. For example, it is better to list a hobby as “reading Russian literature” instead of simply “reading.” Distinctive interests will leave a lasting impression and add personality to your resume.

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