Press Releases

CompTIA Commends House Repeal of FCC’s Privacy Rules

Mar 28, 2017

WASHINGTON – CompTIA, the Computing Technology Industry Association, the world’s leading technology association, commends the U.S. House of Representatives for voting to use the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to overturn the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) broadband privacy rules, which were adopted last fall. The Senate passed an identical measure last week, the bill will now go to the President’s desk.

“The FCC’s broadband privacy rules were out-of-step with the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) long-established approach to privacy. Today’s action by the House of Representatives should result in a consistent framework across the tech industry ensuring strong data security and privacy protections without stifling innovation,” said Elizabeth Hyman, CompTIA’s executive vice president for public advocacy.


CompTIA: Building the Foundation for Technology's Future
The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) is the world's leading technology association, with approximately 2,000 member companies, 3,000 academic and training partners, over 100,000 registered users and more than two million IT certifications issued.  CompTIA's unparalleled range of programs foster workforce skills development and generate critical knowledge and insight –  building the foundation for technology’s future.

About CompTIA Advocacy
Through its advocacy arm, CompTIA champions member-driven business and IT priorities that impact all information technology companies – from small managed solutions providers and software developers to large equipment manufacturers and communications service providers. CompTIA gives eyes, ears and a voice to technology companies, informing them of policy developments – and providing the means to do something about it. 

Press Contact:
Preston Grisham
[email protected]