Ticket to Tech

A new program to help ConnectWise partners connect with a talented
new crop of job-ready tech learners seeking employment.

Ticket to Tech

A new program to help ConnectWise partners connect with a talented new crop of job-ready tech learners seeking employment.

CompTIA, a leading voice and advocate for the $5 trillion global information technology ecosystem, and ConnectWise, the world's leading software company dedicated to the success of IT solution providers, are partnering to present you with a unique opportunity. We are training tech job-seekers in the technical skills and durable skills needed for success in entry-level IT jobs. That training includes the skills needed to master, and certify in, CompTIA A+, the industry standard for launching IT careers. Students in the Ticket to Tech program will also be trained on ConnectWise Manage® platform.

As a ConnectWise IT Nation Evolve partner, you will have an exclusive opportunity to be placed on the employer contact list for the career services staff helping our students find employment.

We’ll train them in the technical skills and durable skills needed for success on the job. You’ll interview candidates and make hiring decisions.

Through this unique new program, we will work together to:

  • Offer you an opportunity to interview learners eager to launch tech careers
  • Provide new-to-tech individuals with an IT career path
  • Keep the program running for future trainees via an optional donation
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Program overview

Training will begin in November 2022, with multiple classes and start dates scheduled. Learners will be in class for 17 weeks and will be ready to begin seeking employment as soon as early 2023.

Before being accepted into the program, candidates will go through an assessment process to ensure that the fit is good and that they are likely to complete the program successfully. Throughout the program students receive support and additional resources as needed. In addition to technical skills, learners also receive durable skills training such as critical thinking, problem solving and communications. Finally, learners will receive career readiness training including LinkedIn and social media lessons, mock interviews and resume assistance.


9 Skills Learners Master and Validate with CompTIA A+

When you hire individuals with CompTIA A+ certification, you can rest assured they have the technologies and skills needed for success.



Identifying, using, and connecting hardware components and devices, including the broad knowledge about different devices that is now necessary to support the remote workforce



Install and support Windows OS including command line & client support. System configuration imaging and troubleshooting for Mac OS, Chrome OS, Android and Linux OS.



Troubleshoot PC and mobile device issues including common OS, malware and security issues.



Explain types of networks and connections including TCP/IP, WIFI and SOHO



Troubleshoot real-world device and network issues quickly and efficiently



Identify and protect against security vulnerabilities for devices and their network connections



Install & configure laptops and other mobile devices and support applications to ensure connectivity for end- users



Compare & contrast cloud computing concepts & set up client-side virtualization



Follow best practices for safety, environmental impacts, and communication and professionalism 

Two Employment Pathways

Students graduating from the program will have two pathways for employment:

  • Traditional full-time hire to fill open desktop support positions
  • Apprenticeship, where they will be full-time employees who receive additional training, structured, on-the-job learning and mentorship--and will earn a nationally recognized credential from the US Department of Labor.

The career services team can help both students and potential hiring employers explore these options during the program.

Photo of a Man working on a computer
Photo of a man raising his hand in a class

Pay it Forward: Reinvesting in the Next Round of Tech Training

Help us invest in the next round of tech learners! We hope to build on this initial phase of the program with new donations to support additional talented newcomers to the tech profession. When you donate, you are not only helping job-seekers train for a rewarding career, you are also helping to break the cycle of recirculating existing tech talent and not having a deep enough pipeline of new tech talent. 100% of your donation will be reinvested to train the next group of learners by CompTIA.

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Have additional questions about this program? Reach out to [email protected]